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batman telltale season 2 catwoman

Now I need to play it all again? En interne, nous parlions de John comme de notre proto-Joker, un homme à la limite de la folie qui aide Bruce à s’échapper de l’asile d’Arkham, seulement pour revenir cette saison avec une raison de croire que son « ami » Bruce ne l’apprécie pas seulement, mais lui doit aussi une faveur.

Season 2 ePISODE 3 dismisses my previous crucial DIALOGUE with catwoman Guys, I was wondering if anyone else experienced anything like this.
I remember what I said to you and now you're acting like something completely different happened, she never even mention the fact that I made a fool of myself in front of her! Trame Synopsis. Cette section est vide, insuffisamment détaillée ou incomplète. She believes that I was the one who rejected her and thinks I told her she was nothing more than a thief, when I actually told her the complete opposite and even prematurely confessed my love for her! On reste connecté ? SELINA!

Le joueur est confronté à des situations qui lui imposent de prendre une décision plutôt qu'une autre pour s'en sortir. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. ", Now in the newest episode of season 2, Catwoman is still being a huge tease and doesn't seem angry at all. What kind of games are you playing with me? Site exclusivement géré par des passionnés dont le but ultime est de partager leur passion autour de l’univers de Batman à travers des News, chroniques, reviews, vidéos ou toute idée loufoque leur passant par la tête… Bienvenue à Gotham City ! Games Batman: The Telltale Series Episode One Review August 2, 2016 | By Matthew Byrd. At the end of the first Season, my Bruce told Selina that she is more than just a thief and she appreciated that, but then he blew his chances with her by telling her he loved her way too soon. Batman: The TellTale Series is a series of games focusing on The Dark Knight.

They should've made the dialogue a little more advanced then instead of just going back to that little thief comment, since different nuances clearly will happen to different players.

same here.First I thought it was a bug. Allez, pour vous mettre dans le bain, voici le trailer de lancement, suivi d’une vidéo dévoilant les 16 premières minutes du jeu , Pour ceux qui le souhaitent, sachez que la liste des trophées du jeu ont été dévoilés et vous pouvez les retrouver ci-dessous . The game is based on Bob Kane and Bill Finger's Batman character, though not tied to any previous adaptation of the work in film or other media. Batman: The Telltale Series est un jeu à choix multiples (à embranchements) dans lequel les actions choisis par le joueur modifie le courant de l'histoire. Then in the next scene, when Bruce says something about how there can be hope for everybody, Selina says "Well SOMEONE once told me I was nothing more than a thief!" La liste des comédiens interprétant les personnages a été révélée lors de l'E3 2016[2]. Selina definetly didn't forget what I told her, Maybe calling her a thief and making a move too fast counts as the same relationship status at the end of season one so telltale ended up forgetting to put unique dialogue for that situation. You either parted on good terms or bad terms with her in s1, the game doesn't account for all the nuances in between. Totally makes the dialogue options seem like they won't matter as much now.

Then a few minutes later I tell her that she is better than that to work with Harley and the gang and she says "Bruce that is so surprising considering the time you told me I was nothing more than a thief.". Nous voulions que les fans sachent que leur relation avec John Doe (et éventuellement le Joker) est quelque chose qu’ils affecteront à chacune des décisions qu’ils prendront au cours de la saison. Batman: The Telltale Series is a 2016 episodic point-and-click graphic adventure video game developed and published by Telltale Games and distributed by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment under its DC Entertainment label.

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