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last king of croatia

After the death of King Demetrius Zvonimir in 1089, King Ladislaus I of Hungary (1077–1095) ruled in Slavonia. The civil war between the two lasted until 1538 when they agreed the secret peace of Nagyvarad; Ferdinand withdrew his claim to Hungary in return for Croatia and Slavonia. (Designated Croatian king Tomislav II. Die Krone Zvonimirs, Monatshefte fur Auswartige Politik, Heft 6(1941)p.434. "The Expansion of the Kingdom of Hungary in the Middle Ages (1000–1490)". Petar's seat of power was based in Knin. One party supported a cousin by the name of Stjepan, whilst Zvonimir's widow promoted her own claims and those of her brother 'Ladislaus' who just happened to be Ladislas king of Hungary.

[57] The degree of Croatian autonomy fluctuated throughout the centuries as did its borders. The župans (heads of counties) had their own private armies.

Tomislav was succeeded by his younger brother Trpimir who was in turn followed by his son Krešimir. [2][3] Croatia is governed on his behalf by a viceroy (ban) and a parliament (sabor). The Hungarian nobles elected him king after his supporters defeated the son of Matthias I who relinquished his claim to the Hungarian throne prior to that. This article follows the monarch's title number according to Hungarian succession for convenience. This period, on the whole, however, is obscure. Co-ruled with Krešimir III. During the reign of Krešimir IV (1058–1074), the medieval Croatian kingdom reached its territorial peak. Zvonimir repeated the mistake of his cousin and died without male issue, leaving the succession a matter of dispute. The rule over the duchy alternated between the rival Domagojević and Trpimirović dynasties. Since there was no living male member of the House of Trpimirović, civil war and unrest broke out shortly afterward. Croatia therefore passed into the hands of the Habsburg dynasty and the title king of 'Croatia and Dalmatia' became one of the many titles claimed by the archdukes and later emperors of Habsburg Austria. Ferdinand IV died in 1875. Tomislav was successfuly able to resist Magyar incursions and was therefore able to offer his services to the Byzantine emperor, who duly offered Tomislav the dignity of a royal title in return for his assistance.

[The history of Croatian literature], "Hungary and the Break-up of Yugoslavia: A Documentary History, Part I. [18][21] The Chronicle of the Priest of Duklja titled Tomislav as a king and specified his rule at 13 years. The Croatian state was edging closer to western Europe and further from the east. [41] Some Croatian nobles around Helen, possibly the Gusić family[42] and/or Viniha from Lapčan family,[41] contesting the succession after the death of Zvonimir, asked King Ladislaus I to help Helen and offered him the Croatian throne, which was seen as rightfully his by inheritance rights. His rule was relatively ineffectual and lasted less than two years.

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