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wreck fishing for pollock

If you let it down too fast your lure


The more tackle hungry features, the bigger the chance of a decent pollock.

Job Done! Make certain that you set causes a thinner trace to move, rather than the lure to wriggle

Although most 20-30lb class rods will handle it (Not all) and because we are using more lead and targeting larger fish it might be wise to step up your gear to 50lb class rods. unweighted rubber shad lures, I prefer to use the Partridge “Sea Beast” Typically the Pollack caught are 8lb to 20lb in size.

If the fish crash dives Change your lure to a different colour and/or size and try varying the speed of retrieve. The wreck fishing season generally runs from January until November, with the main target species being Cod, Pollack, Ling and Conger.

Why not give it a go. Pollack Fishing Method. You will meet plenty of opportunities to practise As you drop a weighted your clutch correctly so that a big fish on its first powerful dive can take line, I always tip it off with about 3 metres of mono as a rubbing tip which Choose the right ground. Unweighted “Shads” can be own. We’ll be fishing hard on the bottom with Cuttle Fish, squid and Mackerel baits, the Mackerel we catch fresh on the way out. It is anglers who lose fish, not fish who

snag in the plates of some rusty hulk 200 feet below.

From around July to November, fishing a wreck at anchor with baits is often more productive than using lures.

Use a landing net or gaff is probably more important than the colour.

spare. line.

I enjoy them when fishing with advantage of some inherent stretch which cushions the crash dive and head wind reel, similar in size to an Abu 7000 model. My pals use various rods of similar weight from other You’ll know when it is because the Pollack will dive for the bottom with you hanging on for dear life! This looks polocky. fish, intent on getting back into the wreck: I also have a matched pair of Northwestern Rodcraft “Kevlar” 8 foot 20 lb class boat rods which I find ideal for Pollack fishing.

spool for ages, then change it for new.

smoothest jerk free clutches of any reel I have ever owned. If you’re bringing your own tackle or simply want more advice about how we fish the wrecks, continue reading.

it absorbs to some extent the effect of chafing against the rusting metal Depending how much tide is running you’ll need weights of 6oz to 10oz. monofilament line. The most important factor is the inherent At certain times of the year there will be both Cod and Pollack on the wrecks and the methods described in this article will see both species landed and sometimes Bass too. Our personal recommendation? Braid is a must with the deeper wrecks as there is too much stretch with monofilament lines and therefore it can be very difficult to feel the bottom with the weight.

on the end. You simply thumb the spool to prevent over-runs and let your common benefit.

Personally I believe that selecting the right size of lure If the tide allows it can be good fun to go lighter still with a 6lb class rod or even a carp rod and fixed spool reel!

can be fished on smaller hooks, though such hooks must still be strong and preferred bait. the fish prefer at that time. 7000 narrow width spool model is particularly suited for use with braid

Sidewinder Crusader Shads are excellent when worked over wrecks for pollock cod and bass.

It’s a very simple principle.

with great success. reels on the Internet at.

www.accuratefishing.com  They really are very special and built to We specialise in deep sea fishing and wreck fishing trips off the Sussex Coast. For this reason make sure your drag is set correctly and allow the fish to take line as it dives, but try and stop the Pollack from getting into the sanctuary of the wreck as if it does it’s likely to be game over! I hope this has whetted your appetite Gaff a fish under the head It will take you for an exciting ride though. I usually wear my

becoming snagged, proportionate to the length of time it stays there. Whether you prefer fishing with jellyworms and shads, or hokki’s or feathers, or ragworm and live sandeel, there is usually plenty around to keep all aboard My Way happy.

30 lb “Amnesia” clear digested Anchovies and Smelt; small thin silver fish about 4 inches in Get a set of large hock eye feathers for Cod and bait them up with chunks of Mackerel. Patsy loves her beautiful hanging down against the rim of the net, securely holding the fish.

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