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queryselectorall onclick

Each button changes the look of the divs. [2] in IE8 and iE9 document must be in HTML5 mode (HTML5 doctype declaration present).

Notice how the "div span" selector still matches the element, even though the baseElement excludes the div element which is part of the specified selector. Retrieves all Document Object Model (DOM) element nodes from descendants of the starting element node that match any selector within the supplied selector strings. We have three buttons in the document. All shared files are made public.

The divs are displayed in one line using CSS grid layout system. The querySelectorAll() returns a static NodeList representing a Side note 1: I used MyFunction directly above since wrapping it in a function that just calls it seems unnecessary, but that will change what arguments it receives, so add a wrapper if needed.. Side note 2: While I didn't change it above, I strongly recommend using addEventListener (and attachEvent if you have to support IE8 or the broken "compatibility mode" of IE9-IE11) instead of onclick. The first match of those remaining elements is returned by the querySelector() method. Not all browsers support forEach on NodeLists, but for those that do: [1] querySelector() is supported in IE8, but only for CSS 2.1 selectors. The First button changes the background By clicking the "Save" button you agree to our terms and conditions. Get the latest and greatest from MDN delivered straight to your inbox. select HTML elements in JavaScript. To return all the matches, use the querySelectorAll() method instead.

Save Your Code. The JavaScript code is placed in the main.js file.

All code in shared files are supplied by users, and belongs to the poster. Note: The querySelector () method only returns the first element that matches the specified selectors.

Returns the first element that is a descendant of the element on which it is invoked that matches the specified group of selectors. In this first example, the first