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punisher family death scene daredevil

Leaving the scene behind the building, Castle was watched by someone during his escape. He managed to save Karen from Schoonover's villainous grasp, and dragged the traitor to a cabin in the woods to reap his revenge. In order to discuss Castle's brain injuries, Nelson and Murdock called in Andrew Lee to discuss the bullet wound Castle sustained during the massacre in Central Park. No, Daredevil escapes Frank's trap and beats him, but then has to fight the Dogs of Hell in that epic hallway fight. Castle greeted Jerry who had come to investigate the noise he had heard on the rooftop and Castle claimed to be just up there for a cigarette to avoid his crazy sister, whom Jerry assumed was a woman named Betty. However, Bendix gently touched Castle's arm as she suggested that this would be a step too far, even for Castle. Schoonover mocked the massacre of Castle's wife, son, and daughter and noted that all of that was connected with events in Kandahar. Castle told her to get in the car and drive to the end of the street, honking the horn when she got there. Castle sat with Billy Russo and listened as Orange and Schoonover explained they were now part of Operation Cerberus tasked to capture and assassinate enemy targets, with Castle questioning if United States Congress had approved the operation which Orange insisted they had. Since all the heroes and villains in this version of reality were turned into cannibals, Deadpool is one of the many cannibalistic madmen The Punisher has to face to save humanity. Rawlins told Castle he was deeply disappointed on how he broke so easily under torture. Quinn had noted that Frank suited him better than Pete, as they shared their laugh before Quinn had cuddled up to Castle, as Castle thought back to Billy Russo and his late wife. The Anvil agents left after the hacker succeeded to wipe all of Micro's files as Rawlins proceeded to test Castle's heartbeat. Page recommended that Castle take the stand himself and defend his actions in front of the jury, as she felt it was the only chance they had of winning after the outburst in the courtroom. Frank Castle is obviously one tough cookie and knows how to take a punch or two - but nowhere in Daredevil Season 2 do we see more of his raw power of will than after . Bendix brought up Castle's daughter, Lisa Castle and asked if he ever envisioned her going off to college. Castle assured her it was okay and sat down. I'm guilty, you hear me! Unfortunately, Frank doesn't know Daredevil's true identity, so he seeks him out to finish his killing spree. Punisher killed cannibal Daredevil, but he also killed Matt accidentally in one comic, by shooting with a tranquilizer gun and causing him to fall from a building to his death. Castle then took his magazine and threw it onto the side of the wall. ""Yes, I am. Despite the loud ringing in ears, Castle overheard someone asking for a mission update and saw Agent Orange looking at all of the wounded and severely damaged soldiers, calmly asking if they had successfully killed the target as he wanted. Then, he simply waits for Hulk to transform back into Bruce Banner, and follows him into an abandoned alley. As the evening wore on, Castle continued speaking with Quinn, as he had explained that he was staying in the Tides Motel and was simply passing through the state, although Castle still remained careful not to share too many details about his plans. Yeah, that makes sense. ""Just passing through. Only child. Punisher family tree ; Fredo Castiglione: Mario Castiglione: Louisa Castiglione: Rocco Castiglione: Esmerelda Castiglione: Elektra Natchios: Francis G. "Frank" Castle (Castiglione) Senior The Punisher / Cosmic Ghost Rider: Maria Elizabeth "Angel" Castle: Spotting the last gang member enter the warehouse, Castle donned his new Skull Vest and grabbed his weapons before walking to the warehouse. But no. [22], You can't leave, Frank. Bendix asked if she could have one, but Castle refused. Not willing to see the innocent animal put in harm's way, Castle finally admitted to where all the money was and Max was taken away to safety. The Punisher first appeared in Netflix's Daredevil and after leaving an absolutely stunning impression, Frank Castle got his own story to tell. Castle also learned that Schultz' plan was to support their son's political campaign, Poloznev planned to blackmail them, so he paid for photographs. However. Castle had questioned if Hoyle really believed that Russo had lost his memories, with Hoyle noting that Castle had cracked his skull during their showdown, so it was hardly surprising. Reaching to extraction point, Castle and all of the surviving members of Cerberus Squad were evacuated out of the area and taken back to base for emergency medical treatment. Before the two could come to blows, another coworker was badly injured, leading them to leave Castle alone. As Daredevil and Punisher bond, everyone's favorite legal secretary-turned-journalist Karen Page (Deborah Ann Woll) starts digging into Frank's past. [11], Okay, one more time. It does, however, provide the Marvel-Netflix corner of the universe with yet another dark and nuanced vigilante. ""What do I look like, RadioShack? She would be getting into trouble, but be happy. Although Castle was captured, the rest of the plan went according to plan, as Sarah and Zach were then rescued by Madani's agents, and Micro was able to fake his own demise during the chaos, since these Homeland agents shot his Bulletproof Vest, causing all Russo's men to then drive away from the scene with only Castle in custody. I killed him, right.Punisher and Amy Bendix. Castle noted that Rex was a good kid, while they shared a laugh about him seemingly knowing a little too much about the world, although Castle insisted that Rex was more interested in playing hockey. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Castle then took a gas tank and swung it at Pilgrim. As Leo had noted that she did not know what to call him, Castle reintroduced himself, with Leo noting that he was scarier than Pete had been, which Castle had acknowledged was true. Although Castle worried they were making another PTSD case, Lee went on to explain that the wound made Castle relive the trauma each and every day, concluding that Castle's murders were crimes of passion not premeditated. The rest of the inmates, quickly realizing Castle was the one who stabbed Dutton, proceeded to charge at him, planning to beat Castle to death. Attempting to lighten the mood between them, Castle would then note that Russo had since become a badass since he joined the United States Marine Corps, which they had both laughed at as their friendship grew. Castiglione.""Sarah. Funny enough, in two such universes, The Punisher comes out on top. Arguably better than season 1. However, when Batzer asked how Castle pleaded, Castle stared straight into Reyes' eyes and pleaded not guilty so he could destroy Reyes' own career in the courtroom by exposing all of her lies and dealings with his family's deaths. Once Murdock finished his statement, Castle asked Judge Cynthia Batzer if he could make a statement, and proceeded to tell the jury that he would commit the murders all over again, promising that he was not crazy and did not need Nelson and Murdock's help and that he would never be sent to a mental hospital for treatment. Outside of the mission, Castle does have other interests and even a certain sense of fun, such as playing guitar. I think Matt understood that even if a bullet was put through those guys, there was a still a chance of them getting back up. At the same time, he does not seem to care what the citizens of New York and the law enforcement think of him as he has witnessed their ineptitude in dealing with his family's murder first hand. Who are you? At lunchtime, when Castle went up to the roof to watch Lance and his friends leaving work. Just as Castle got a slice of pizza, his phone began to ring, white he got Bendix to grab it out of his pocket and answered it, to see that it was Barrett calling him back. Rawlins proceeded to kick Castle in anger and knocked him unconscious. Punisher shoots Banner in the head, killing him instantly. While Bendix had then gone into the next room to begin developing the photographs she had taken in Chicago for Fiona, Castle had sat down and begun staring at the utterly terrified Clive. Daredevil #183 and 184. However, the Greeks stiffed him on the deal and the shipment went elsewhere the only weapon he has is a pink Ruger which is a mobster's "sweet 16" birthday present for his daughter. Keeping still, the Punisher kept himself from being found on their motion sensors, while waiting for the mercenaries to split up during their search, as he then managed to get behind one of their mercenaries and put him into a chock hold before brutally breaking his neck, ensuring that had nobody heard the death before the Punisher then silently went in search of his next target. Clouded by anger, Castle arrived at Jake Nelson's house and beat Nelson to a pulp, demanding information. ""I killed him. When he's leaving he says to himself, "Because somebody had to be first.". Venom also meets his match in the Marvel Universe Vs. Being told that he is not the only ghost in town, Castle was questioned by the caller about the disk that was left in his home. [8], The other night, babysitting that shit-prick, running around with that Grotto, I just, I only hurt people that deserve that, I wanted you to know that. Schoonover continued to taunt Castle's moniker as the Punisher, and how he had to teach him how to use his first firearm at age eighteen. It was only until Fisk revealed to Castle that Dutton had information on the deaths of his family in Central Park and could likely give him the name of whoever was responsible for the massacre, that Castle accepted his offer. Castle then removed his mask and shirt, revealing the Punisher vest and skull. It damns us all. Frank? Madani then helped Castle down the long flight of stairs, finally making it outside. [23], Castle and Amy Bendix went to the bus station and waited. ""I'm gonna find a home for this. Castle tried to take cover despite being cuffed to the roof of the van. Until he made it into Russo's arms at the end of their gauntlet. Brother, I just want to talk!Punisher to Gunner Henderson. Towards the end of the story, however, it is revealed that cannibal Spider-Man isn't really that bad of a guy. Hey! The real Punisher show was Daredevil S02E01-E04. I asked her to marry me that day.Frank Castle to Micro. Castle and Beth Quinn had then left Lola's Roadhouse together, as Quinn walked them up to her car, before asking Castle to promise her that he would not be an asshole, to which Castle had then jokingly commented that this would be the sort of promise that any asshole would lie about. As Castle treated his wounds, Daredevil asked why he was still alive and had not had his mask removed, but Castle ignored his comments, only informing him that he had no interest in his identity and began going through all the boxes of weapons he had stored on the roof for killing the Dogs of Hell. Frank pulls the trigger and shoots Cap in the head, killing him. The Punisher is one of the most fascinating characters in the Marvel Universe. Just, I gotta tell you, Frank, I know I can be difficult. [15], You took a bullet to the head and you're still kicking. Castle threw Grotto on the ground before them and explained how he had found him trying to steal a car to escape. When Jon Bernthal joined season 2 of Daredevil as The Punisher, fans immediately began speculating that a solo series was on the way. Bendix had knocked on the door, as Clive looked through a peephole in the door and had immediately refused to allow Castle in. While more men began shooting at the Punisher, he took cover as he waited for them to reload, allowing them to believe that they had him cornered, while in reality, he had allowed them all to move to deadly positions. Castle and Madani had then begun discussing where they would locate Billy Russo, with Castle noting that if Russo had actually been lying about all of those mental and physical injuries, then it would be more likely that he would already be dead, as Madani had then asked him to explain exactly what he meant by this. He approached them and the men explained that John Pilgrim had put a five million dollar bounty on his head. ""He's a lot scarier than Pete.Frank Castle and Leo Lieberman. As the Punisher still demanded that Russo let these kids go, he was told that attachments were a weakness as Russo then shot him in his skull vest, knocking the Punisher onto the ground, although the Punisher had claimed that Russo had once had the Castle family. When Wilson Fisk is released from prison, Murdock must decide between hiding from the world or . Pilgrim would bring an unharmed Bendix and Castle will deliver Schultz. I'm gonna take all the breath out of your lungs, out of your lungs, until you can barely whisper and the last word out of your mouth is gonna be 'please, please, please'.William Rawlins to Frank Castle. [2], You're using my client as bait for the Punisher? Castle said he did, and she should stay out of his way. In the middle of the fight, though, Captain America starts showing signs he's infected by the virus. So that means I'm gonna go and find them and I'm gonna kill them. They couldn't control me. Fearing for his life, Barrett had insisted that he had been forced to betray him by the Russians, although the Punisher insisted that he should not worry, since Barrett had done exactly what he had wanted him to do, much to his considerable annoyance as they both then insisted that they did not want to see each other again. Micro hacked the Homeland audio and video feeds, creating a looped video feed from the follow car and piping the song "Feel the Love" into the comms system. They silently searched for their target before being taken out one by one by Castle, who chose not to kill any of them. As Castle questioned who had paid for the food and clothes, Bendix then revealed that she had used Dinah Madani's credit card, while Castle questioned if she had really stolen from the woman who had let them stay inside of her apartment. This was awesome, but I enjoyed the talk they had in the graveyard a couple episodes later even more. Castle reassured Micro that having footage of Ahmad Zubair's death along with the countdown at the Hideout had clearly done what they intended, which was why Anvil had not killed them. Now, see, I called you when I needed you, and you didn't do a goddamn thing, right? Castle then returned to New York City to assist Daredevil in his confrontation with the Hand. Spider-Man is positioned as the primary antagonist throughout the story, mainly because he was patient zero in the outbreak. Castle met with Curtis Hoyle, as he informed him that he was still alive and assumed the name of Pete Castiglione. However, when Castle lost the game again, he accused Bendix of cheating, while she insisted that he was simply not seeing the trick. Suddenly, the police arrived, telling Castle to drop his gun. Thing is, every time I try to be someone different, that's when the wrong people get hurt.Punisher to Amy Bendix. Castle was assigned Christopher Roth as his attorney, but he was visited by Nelson and Murdock and Matt Murdock explained that they wished to represent him. You know he used to do hits for the Irish.Frank Castle and Karen Page. Quinn introduced herself to Castle, who instead introduced himself as Pete Castiglione, maintaining the cover story that he had been given. You don't like the way that it smells? [36], Alright, they call you the Punisher. Castle and Bendix listened, while Madani spoke to Mahoney about the investigation into Russo, until Madani had left and pushed Mahoney out. Once there, they were informed by Schoonover and Agent Orange that they had a new target who was believed to have been tracked down and was now hiding out in a compound within Kandahar. After his issue had been dealt with, Castle was told by James to enjoy his new freedom. Every morning I look for 'em, Bill. I told you. Once the kids were safe, the Punisher then went to Madani's aid, finding that she was bleeding heavily from that gunshot wound into her skull. The Punisher and Bendix then walked out of the mansion, seeing Pilgrim standing with his two sons who he had saved, before they overheard the sound of Schultz shooting himself. The story even begins when a young Frank comes to the aid of Matt, who was getting bullied in Hell's Kitchen. In the end, all that's left is a skeleton. [14], Whole world thinks we did this together, kid.""Hey! Madani then asked if Russo had executed Zubair once Rawlins gave the order, which Castle denied, as he confessed that he was actually the one who pulled the trigger and killed Zubair, much to the shock of Madani, as he once again noted that this video had damned them all. Lance threatened Castle to not make an enemy out of him before walking away, purposely stepping on Castle's sandwich. ""I do. To reassure Quinn, Castle noted that he also had a bed at the Tides Motel and suggested that he could sleep alone there instead and bid her goodnight, although Quinn had then told him to join her in her car, as she drove them. In Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe, the title is taken literally. Castle first appeared in Daredevil season 2, wherein he was avenging his wife's and children's deaths by killing the members of the criminal gangs involved in the amusement . They had been practicing at a warehouse. [4], I was with Maria for three months when she got pregnant with Lisa. Castle was then confronted by Paulie, who was kicking the wall behind him and asking what he had heard about their planned heist. As they waited in the Apartment, Castle and Amy Bendix played card games, in which Bendix showed Castle the game of keeping track on her hidden Queen, which she would carefully shuffle, as Castle would become annoyed that she was beating him at the game. They're not gonna like it, Frank. During his search, the Punisher heard Russo mockingly call out to him, claiming that guys like them needed this type of conflict and that they were never good people and deserved nothing better than what they had gotten. Which, Castle would knock down Olin who finished with the last hostile and said Bendix that they need to go. [16], It's my fault. The Punisher version of events. Rawlins proceeded to slap Castle around and punch him repeatedly while the latter mocked him. Micro told Castle that Operation Cerberus was totally off the books. Upon hearing two other men entering the bathroom, the Punisher stopped the desperate O'Hare from calling for help by knocking him back and had then strangled him with his own tie until O'Hare had eventually chocked to death. That's a memento mori. I think that this world, it needs men that are willing to make the hard call. Castle tries to convince Hardin to hand him over to mercenaries or everybody in the station will die, however, Ken Ogden proposes to take vehicles to drive away from the station and call for assistance. Castle then decided to spare Poloznev as long as he left the country. Castle simply told him to do what he had to do. After dropping Paulie's corpse into the cement vat from upstairs, Castle confronted Lance, picking up his broken sledgehammer and listening to his offer of taking the stolen Gnucci money, only for Castle to torture until Lance divulged where their hit went down. Wolverine's scene is towards the end of the Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe saga, and it's where the reader learns that Frank has been on a warpath since he set the nuke that killed many of the heroes. However, Castle was freed with the help of Wilson Fisk and discovered the Blacksmith was in fact the one who had been responsible for his family's murder, or at least one of them. Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. While serving in Afghanistan alongside with Billy Russo, where the duo became close friends, Castle and Russo joined the black-ops team, Cerberus Squad under the command of CIA Officer William Rawlins aimed at capturing, interrogating, and executing high-value targets. Now it's time for the rest of the world to learn that Frank Castle is still out there and still as bloodthirsty as ever. Knowing he could not get away from his arrest, Castle took the time to explain why he became a vigilante, telling Daredevil about how he came home from the United States Marine Corps only to witness his wife, son, and daughter massacred by mobsters during a drug deal. However, just as Murdock began questioning him, Tepper asked to confess something, so Judge Batzer had the room cleared of the jury, viewers, and Castle. Castle believed himself to be a monster, just like Billy Russo claimed. Castle said they are putting their plan to contact Madani on hold because of the current situation. [39], You go wait outside. As Bendix cried, Castle reloaded his gun and demanded that Hoyle give him the keys to his car. He saved Karen Page's life, and the two began an uneasy friendship, despite her misgivings over Castle's murderous ways when she witnessed him casually assassinate a room of low-level henchmen in Episode 11 (".380"). Who needs me alive? His combat tactics and willingness to kill proved to be enough to defeat even the strongest of superheroes, as you'll see ahead. Castle leaped out of the window while the final agent continued shooting at him. He asked Russo to evacuate Ori and leave Wilson for him to deal with. Knowing that he was serious, Barrett explained that Konchevsky worked from Kazan's Gym, noting they were not good people, but the Gym would be a good target. They think they're gonna scare people into making them do what they want. He then showed how easily she could have died by shooting the gun at the wall. Playing out across two seasons of two different shows, the origin of The Punisher in the MCU is markedly more intricate than in the comics. Castle had then overheard Rex explaining that his Grandmother had sent him back into their Apartment without any breakfast, while Beth apologized for the awkwardness of the situation, although Castle had also apologized for attempting to leave without saying his goodbyes to her. While pouring some coffee, Castle listened to Hoyle about how his friend Wilson was driving taxis in New York and that he suspected that he was talking to himself in the mirror, remarking on how everyone wants to be anyone but themselves. Castle soon got a call from Pilgrim, who said that he would deliver Bendix if Castle got David Schultz. ""I'd say that's spot on. Venom is working with Spider-Man, who in this point in the story, is thought to be the main antagonist. However, all of the sounds of Jack's screams of agony soon made him realize that it was the wrong man, as the Punisher called out into the Hideout for Russo, and got no answer, as he realized that Russo was not in here. Bendix told Castle to let her live on in his head. It's time to start talking. Castle told him that Schultz was at the trailer, then hung up, cussing to himself. Knowing that this would most likely be an ambush for him, Castle made his own plans about how to protect himself and ensure that his target was killed. Fast forward to Daredevil, and it felt like that never happened. In the pouring rain, Hoyle and Castle sat on top of a roof and talked about Castle's inner troubles and how he was starting to believe that he was like Billy Russo. The deal between the two gangs went south as both of their leaders thought that they were lured in the trap. Rawlins continued to torture Castle by pushing his finger into his wound; causing Russo to drag Rawlins away. ""What's that gonna do? Castle sat back, annoyed when he got called again. Despite his desire to kill Fisk, Castle took the offer and was given a riot gear uniform by the guards which he used to walk out of Ryker's Island without being stopped and be free once again to continue his mission to kill all the criminals who he could hunt down and find in New York City. While Jack attempted to get on his feet, the Punisher, still believing it to be Russo, slashed at his legs to cause him more pain. But . He was called by Sarah, her insurance company needed a signed statement about the accident so they can move forward with the claim. Please do not make assumptions regarding confusing wording, other sites' speculation, and people's headcanon around the internet. Police were unable to apprehend Castle, but this image was caught on a dashboard camera. As the mercenaries finally regained their bearings, the Punisher took cover before shooting at a flash grenade he had hidden inside a light, blinding a man before he gunned him down. However, just before they walked away, Bendix suggested that they could burn that studio to the ground if it made him feel better. But Castle wasn't worried. Castle grew worried, but saw Curtis Hoyle and Dinah Madani inside, realizing it was there cars. However, at the last moment, Russo predicted what was happening and dived for cover, which caused Castle to miss his shot. However, Micro told Castle that their confrontation would be dangerous and had suggested that Castle needed to learn what had really happened first. She told Castle to use the money to get away and do not come back. The death of his wife and children in contrast completely traumatize him with vivid night terrors and flashbacks to the night they were murdered. Did we miss any superhero targets of The Punisher? Although Grotto was able to get out of the hospital with Page taking him downstairs and putting him in her car to be driven away, Castle had still managed to get onto the roof of the hospital and used a sniper rifle to attempt to take out his target, watching Grotto as he peered out of the car's window. Searching some more, he finally found scissors and used it to cut Mahoney loose from his seat belt. Castle was told from James that he would be getting a free pass due to the debt the country owed to him due to William Rawlins' betrayal, as he confirmed if this was the pay off in order to ensure that he kept his mouth shut about Rawlins and the CIA, to which James had then confirmed. She then asked if he ever taught Lisa that stuff. In the confusion of the battle, the Punisher mistook the masked Jack for Russo, as he had then furiously thrown his knife at the mercenary, embedding it into his shoulder which allowed the Punisher to charge forward and engage with his enemy one on one. Hoyle got Castle to stop yelling and got mad at Castle for his outburst. [29], That kid out there, she got people that want to kill her. Frank intervenes in a battle between Venom and Spider-Man in the sewers. He also enjoys reading and goes through books at a fast pace. During the torture, Gunner Henderson questioned Orange over what Zubair was saying, as Orange insisted that it was nothing important and demanded that Henderson not question his intelligence. [15], I'm just staying over at the motel, heard the music, just sounded good so, here I am. Madani had also advised them to decide on their living arrangements, while she would stay at her hotel, while she had also promised that she and Castle would then discuss Billy Russo once she got back. When Castle answered, he claimed that the caller had the wrong guy, to which Micro had used Castle's real name and noted that he was seemingly a dead man following the explosion at the Blacksmith's ship. However, Castle had then noted that Madani also had her chance to kill Russo and failed to. She is freaking out that she found a knife in his bag. Anyway, dealing in this shit is illegal. Kazan questioned if Punisher had killed Sergei Konchevsky, which he denied and asked the same question back, although Kazan insisted that Konchevsky was his nephew and he would have never hurt him. While they refused to turn it off and were unintimidated, Castle was threatened by Lance, eager to kill him when he pulled out his gun. As more Irishmen arrived, Punisher and Daredevil used their combined strength to subdue them all; however, when Castle would attempt to use a gun or hammer to kill his enemies, Daredevil then knocked the weapons out of his hand and insisted that they do not kill anyone during their fight. You're gonna slip in and out of shock. Castle complied as Pilgrim left with the hostage. Castle had then listened while Micro theorized that they could shoot them down from there, and questioned if his wife and son were already dead, to which Castle then reassured him that they were clearly needed alive. I'm happy that it's you. Bendix posed as a waitress and she showed the photographs to Nikolai Poloznev. Once he had what he wanted, Castle prepared to leave, but the greedy Clint tried to convince him to stay by offering pornographic films. As Castle noted that his past was simply in his past now, he promised that his issues would never come up to her front door. Kingpin informs Frank that Fisk's rival, Dutton, in the prison just so happens to have been involved in the murder of Castle's family.

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punisher family death scene daredevil