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nicknames for the name troy

Although there is no evidence of a cultural break after the previous settlement, the new city had a very different character. This "Archeological plan of the Hisarlik citadel" was created by user Bibi Saint-Pol and contributed to Commons in 2007. [1][18], TroyVIII was founded during the Greek Dark Ages and lasted until the Roman era. The cube-shaped building with extensive underground galleries holds more than 40,000 portable artifacts, 2000 of which are on display. Bible: This is the century that begins with King Hezekiah and. Black-figured amphora (wine-jar) signed by Exekias as potter and attributed to him as painter, Trustees of the British Museum (Copyright). The Trojan Plain c. 1200 BCESimeon Netchev (CC BY-NC-SA). The archaeological site of Troy consists of nine major layers, the earliest dating from the Early Bronze Age, the latest from the Byzantine era. 2. World History Encyclopedia. Some of these items are strikingly similar to those found at sites such as Poliochni and Ur, leading some scholars to speculate that they may have been made by itenerant jewlers who worked routes covering much of the Ancient Near East. Troy Nicknames: 55+ Creative and Funny Names, Mickey Nicknames: 60+ Creative and Funny Names, Kira Nicknames: 55+ Creative and Funny Names, Camaro Nicknames: 55+ Creative and Funny Names, Lillian Nicknames: 60+ Creative and Funny Names. Choose name for games, social network and brands from our list or submit your nickname. Today, the name Troy has retreated down the charts back to more moderately high levels of usage. Classical and Hellenistic Troy (TroyVIII). Dig into our huge database of 70,000+ baby names for that one perfect pick These items were made from amber imported from the Baltic region, carnelian imported from India, and lapis imported from Afghanistan. [42], Carl Blegen, professor at the University of Cincinnati, managed the site 193238. Welcome to the NicknameDB entry on troy university nicknames! In many of these houses, archaeologists found enormous storage jars called pithoi buried in the ground. [55] In 360359 the city was briefly controlled by Charidemus of Oreus, a Euboean mercenary leader who occasionally worked for the Athenians. It flourished until the establishment of Constantinople, which became a bishopric in the Roman province Hellespontus (civil Diocese of Asia), but declined gradually in the Byzantine era. Troy is baby unisex name mainly popular in Christian religion and its main origin is French. TroyIV predate writing and thus study of them falls into the category of prehistoric archaeology. Ruling from 1558 to 1603, Elizabeth I had two nicknames which have stuck with her over the years. What does Troy mean in Greek? [41] Schliemann himself privately agreed that TroyVI was more likely to be the Homeric city, but he never published anything stating so. [69] In September Seleucus was assassinated at Lysimachia by Ptolemy Keraunos, making his successor, Antiochus I Soter, the new king. This activity was to be conducted under the auspices of anakkale Onsekiz Mart University and was to use the new technique of "molecular archaeology". TroyVIII and TroyIX are dated to the historical period and thus are part of history proper. The halls were built in megaron style, resembling Mycenaean architecture. Thank you for your help! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Other remains of the Bronze Age city were destroyed by the Greeks' building projects, notably the peak of the citadel where the TroyVI palace is likely to have stood. [37] In 18711873 and 18781879, 1882 and 1890 (the later two joined by Wilhelm Drpfeld), he discovered the ruins of a series of ancient cities dating from the Bronze Age to the Roman period. 1986), American football pro [64], In the period 302281, Ilion and the Troad were part of the kingdom of Lysimachus, who during this time helped Ilion synoikize several nearby communities, thus expanding the city's population and territory. This discovery led to a major reinterpretation of the site, which had previously been regarded as a small aristocratic residence rather than a major settlement. A nickname is a word used to describe someone or something. As a well-respected ruler, Old Queen Bess became the people's pet name for her. Try our baby name generator if you need more baby name inspiration. Troy VI (c. 1750-1300 BCE) is the period most visible today at the site and is the most likely candidate for the besieged city of Homer's Trojan War. On the other hand, the Eastern Mediterranean economy was more active during this time, allowing for commercial cities to develop only in the Levant. These settlements appear to have been smaller and poorer than previous ones, though this interpretation could be merely the result of gaps in the surviving evidence. Related Content Other similar sounding names can be Treya, Triya, Turya, Torey, Trayi, Tory, Trey. [1][2](p59), The city was destroyed around 1180BC, roughly contemporary with the Late Bronze Age collapse but subsequent to the destruction of the Mycenaean palaces. Hittite documents found at Hattusa suggest that literacy existed at Troy and that the city may have had a written archive. However, little is known about these several layers due to Schliemann's careless excavation practices. [40] During his excavation, Drpfeld came across a section of the TroyVI wall which was weaker than the rest. TroyVIVII is thought to correspond to the placenames Wilusa and Taruisa known from Hittite records. Troy- names have since experienced a decline in frequency. In 280 or soon after Ilion passed a long decree lavishly honouring Antiochus in order to cement their relationship with him. Ilion remained outside the control of the Persian satrapal administration at Dascylium until the Peace of Antalcidas in 387386. [82] The purpose of the park is to protect the historical sites and monuments within it, as well as the environment of the region. [47], In 2013, an international team made up of cross-disciplinary experts led by William Aylward, an archaeologist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, was to carry out new excavations. Personality based nicknamesif(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'namesfrog_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_8',109,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-namesfrog_com-medrectangle-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'namesfrog_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_9',109,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-namesfrog_com-medrectangle-4-0_1'); .medrectangle-4-multi-109{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. It contains 136 square kilometres (53sqmi) to include Troy and its vicinity, centered on Troy. From the 4th century AD until the Byzantine era, perhaps as late as the 10th century, Ilion was the seat of a Christian bishop. [48] A few days before the Wisconsin team was to leave, Turkey cancelled about 100excavation permits, including Wisconsin's. However, they otherwise display an eclectic mix of architectural styles, some following the classic megaron design, others even having irregular floorplans. However, later excavations demonstrated that the site was a thousand years too old to have coexisted with Mycenaean Greeks. This partial list of city nicknames in New York compiles the aliases, sobriquets, and slogans that cities in the U.S. state of New York are known by (or have been known by historically), officially and unofficially, to municipal governments, local people, outsiders, or the cities' tourism boards or chambers of commerce. CrDorothy. I have not heard this name very often, and would consider using this handsome name for a future son. 300 BC. That said, I have only ever known one [name_m]Troy[/name_m] as an acquaintance, and he was quite nice. Nicknames for Troy Troy is often given the following nicknames: Ty Troy Different Ways to Spell Troy Troee Troeigh Troey Troi Troie Similar Names Like Troy Tre True Trey Roy Tara Terry Trace Tori Sibling Names for Troy If you already have a child named Troy, you might be looking for some great sister or brother names that go with it. This episode was traditionally placed one generation before the Trojan War as the only male survivor was Laomedon's youngest son Priam, the Trojan king in the later conflict. It was significantly smaller than later settlements at the site, with a citadel covering less than 1 ha. [63] In addition, the koinon financed new building projects at Ilion, for example a new theatre c.306 and the expansion of the sanctuary and temple of Athena Ilias in the 3rd century, in order to make the city a suitable venue for such a large festival. The city's streets are broad and well-planned. var slotId = 'div-gpt-ad-namesfrog_com-box-3-0'; [51](pp16)[2](pp86,181182), Wilusa first appears in Hittite records around 1400BC, when it was one of the twenty-two states of the Assuwa Confederation which unsuccessfully attempted to oppose the Hittite Empire. During the Bronze Age they would have been overlaid with wood and mudbrick superstructures, reaching a height over nine metres (30ft). Noted Hittiteologist T.Bryce cautions that our current understanding of Wilusa's history does not provide evidence for there having been an actual Trojan War since "the less material one has, the more easily it can be manipulated to fit whatever conclusion one wishes to come up with". xlouisa 9/6/2020. In summer 2006, the excavations continued under the direction of Korfmann's colleague Ernst Pernicka, with a new digging permit. Troy is the best. The best Troy nicknames are ones that are unique and different, but they should also be easy to remember and pronounce. The walls would have once been topped by a mud brick and wood superstructure and with closely fitting stonework sloping inwards; as the walls rise they certainly fit the Homeric description of 'strong-built Troy'. ins.dataset.fullWidthResponsive = 'true'; [77] Following the final defeat of Mithridates in 6362, Pompey rewarded the city's loyalty by becoming the benefactor of Ilion and patron of Athena Ilias. [57] In May 334 Alexander the Great crossed the Hellespont and came to the city, where he visited the temple of Athena Ilias, made sacrifices at the tombs of the Homeric heroes, and made the city free and exempt from taxes. TroyIV sees the introduction of domed ovens. [27][18][17](pp25)[1][26], The language spoken in TroyVI is unknown. These walls were periodically renovated, expanding from an initial width of one point two metres (3.9ft) to five metres (16ft) around 1400 BC. RothyCr. These names seem to date back to the Bronze Age, as suggested by Hittite records which refer to a city in northwest Anatolia called Wilusa or Truwisa which is generally identified with the site of Hisarlik. However, the walls differ from contemporary Aegean and Anatolian sites both in their lack of figural sculpture and in their masonry. [38] Schliemann was planning for another excavation season in 1891 when he died in December 1890. The name Troy (after the legendary city of Troy, made famous in Homer 's Iliad) was adopted in 1789, and the region was formed into the Town of Troy in 1791 from part of the Manor of Rensselaerswyck. In the 80s BC, Roman publicani illegally levied taxes on the sacred estates of Athena Ilias, and the city was required to call on L. Julius Caesar for restitution; while in 80BC, the city suffered an attack by pirates. One candidate is Luwian, an Anatolian language believed to have been spoken in the general area. Retrieved from https://www.worldhistory.org/troy/. Troy Aikman - Names and nicknames for Troy Aikman - NicknameDB Top-Rated troy aikman Nicknames No top-rated suggestions yet, scroll down for more ideas! [49], In March 2014, it was announced that a new excavation would take place to be sponsored by a private company and carried out by anakkale Onsekiz Mart University. Running a website with millions of readers every month is expensive. Sikandar Ali. The city was destroyed by Sulla's rival, the Roman general Fimbria, in 85BC following an eleven-day siege. The main literary work set at Troy is the Iliad, an Archaic-era epic poem which tells the story of the final year of the Trojan War. However, the find is puzzling since palace bureaucracies had largely disappeared by this era. Its citadel was divided into a series of rising terraces, of which only the outermost is reasonably well-preserved. [2](pp5859)[1][17](pp20,24), The citadel was enclosed by a massive wall whose limestone base is visible to modern day visitors. if(ffid == 2){ It was a complex structure nearly 3 meters wide, with interior buttresses and columns and beams secured in notches cut into the bedrock. When republishing on the web a hyperlink back to the original content source URL must be included. Below you'll find the most popular spouse names for Troy. Calvert made extensive surveys of the site and correctly identified it with classical-era Ilion. Several of these layers resemble literary depictions of Troy, leading some scholars to conclude that there is a kernel of truth underlying the legends. window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId, 'adsensetype', 1); In Roman tradition, the Trojan hero Aeneas, son of Venus, had fled Troy and settled in Italy thus giving the Romans a divine ancestry. Some people may draw inspiration from their favorite athlete or celebrity while others might choose a name reflecting an attribute, they are proud of. Cartwright, M. (2018, May 11). A new city called Ilium (from Greek Ilion) was founded on the site in the reign of the Roman emperor Augustus. 14 cool nicknames for Upstate New York towns, cities. Numerous small houses were added inside the citadel, filling in formerly open areas. The walls were built in a "sawtooth" style made up of seven metres (23ft)-ten metres (33ft) segments which joined at shallow angles. Troy is the name of the Bronze Age city attacked in the Trojan War, a popular story in the mythology of ancient Greece, and the name given to the archaeological site in the north-west of Asia Minor (now Turkey) which has revealed a large and prosperous city occupied over millennia. Subsequent research on Hittite geography has made these identifications more secure, though not all scholars regard them as firmly established. So I thought this is the time to get serious about names. Nicknames are usually short and informal, which people use for other people. People search this name as What does the name troy mean in greek. The primary local pottery styles were wheel-made Tan Ware and Anatolian Gray Ware. The size of the site is now much bigger than first thought when Schliemann excavated and suggests a population of as high as 10,000, much more in keeping with Homer's grand city-state. I'm Troy 215 I know Troy 152 Reputation 298 681 [43] These archaeologists, though following Schliemann's lead, added a professional approach not available to Schliemann. Community (2009 TV Series) [1][18][2](p59), After the destruction of TroyVIIa around 1180 BC, the city was rebuilt as TroyVIIb. ins.id = slotId + '-asloaded'; How popular is Troy? Troy II (c. 2550-2300 BCE) displays larger buildings (40 m long), mud-brick and stone fortifications with monumental gates. The Pittsburgh Steelers have many great nicknames that easily identify their brand throughout the Steel City and all of Steelers Country. Troy Origin: Greek, French Meaning: "of Troyes" Description: Troy shot to popularity as a first name in tandem with that of 1960s heartthrob Troy (born Merle) Donahue; its image has now, thanks in part to the Brad Pitt-starring epic, Troy, receded back to conjuring up the ancient site of the Trojan wars. It had a distinct Northwest Anatolian culture and extensive foreign contacts, including with Mycenaean Greece, and its position at the mouth of the Dardanelles has been argued to have given it the function of regional capital, its status protected by treaties. The war was in fact a ten-year siege of the city by a coalition of Greek forces led by King Agamemnon of Mycenae. The Greeks and Romans took for a fact the historicity of the Trojan War and the identity of Homeric Troy with a site in Anatolia on a peninsula called the Troad (Biga Peninsula). lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId + '-asloaded'), { attributes: true }); Picking a good nickname can be hard. Books Best middle names for Troy Troy Ace Troy Adonis Troy Adrian Troy Aidan Troy Alexander Troy Allen Troy Anderson Troy Antonio Troy Archer Troy Archie Troy Arlo Troy Augustus Troy Austin Troy Ayaan Troy Beckett Troy Bentley Troy Blake Troy Bradley Troy Braylen troy Callan Troy Christian Troy Clark Troy Cody Troy Cooper Troy Corbin Troy Crew World History Encyclopedia, 11 May 2018. [58] According to the so-called 'Last Plans' of Alexander which became known after his death in June 323, he had planned to rebuild the temple of Athena Ilias on a scale that would have surpassed every other temple in the known world. Damage in the TroyVIh layer includes extensive collapsed masonry and subsidence in the southeast of the citadel, indicative of an earthquake. 969, and that was in 1932. [18], TroyVIVII was a major Late Bronze Age city consisting of a steep fortified citadel and a sprawling lower town below it. Its founders came from nearby towns such as Kumtepe and Glpnar, which had been part of an earlier network that had cultural and economic ties to the eastern Aegean and southeastern Europe. [18][17](pp1119), Wheel-made pottery appears at the site for the first time, along with caches of treasures that attest to Trojan participation in networks of aristocratic competition. Proper pronunciation of Troy Japanese. See name meaning, origin, popularity, and related names In English Baby Names the meaning of the name Troy is : Troy derives from the ancient Greek city of Troy ; also from an Irish surname meaning 'soldier. The settlements included a dense residential neighborhood in the citadel. The World of the Iliad, c. 1200 BCESimeon Netchev (CC BY-NC-SA). Thus, these sublayers are among the candidates for a potential historical setting of those myths. The dates of these (c. 1250 BCE) and the site destruction correlate with Herodotus' dates for the Trojan War. . Conflicts over the centuries between Mycenaeans and Hittites are more than probable and may well have been the origin of the epic Trojan War in Greek mythology. In this article, we will share with you some cool and funny southern nicknames. Troy is a male given first name used in English-speaking countries, and may derive from the Irish Troightheach, meaning "foot soldier". Knossos, Mycenae, Troy: The Enchanting Bronze Age and its Tumultuous Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. Submit Creative austroy troy ministroy destroy quattroy troyston silvestroy bistroy rostroy troyan troye troyes troys dmytroy outroy troys troyle Submit Emojis Search Rhyming Destroy Troy Troy Destroy Troy Sgroi Sgroi Troy These proposals were primarily motivated by linguistic similarities, since "Taruisa" is a plausible match for the Greek name "Troia" and "Wilusa" likewise for the Greek "Wilios" (later "Ilios"). [56] In 359, he was expelled by the Athenian Menelaos son of Arrabaios, whom the Ilians honoured with a grant of proxenythis is recorded in the earliest civic decree to survive from Ilion. They can be used as a term of endearment or to show affection. [18][19][20][21], TroyII walls with modern reconstructed mudbrick[22], TroyII fortifications with modern reconstructed mudbrick, Troy continued to be occupied between 2300BC and 1750BC. Within the site, the visitors tour the features on dirt roads or for access to more precipitous features on railed boardwalks. In the Classical era, this city became a tourist destination, where visitors would leave offerings to the legendary heroes. Nickname generator for troy. In order to fully excavate the citadel of TroyII, he destroyed most remains from this period without first documenting them. Map of TroyBibi Saint-Pol (Public Domain). Published in his Voyage de la Troade, it was the most commonly proposed location for almost a century. Finds at the site point to the existence of a thriving wool industry and the first use of horses, recalling Homer's oft-used epithet 'horse-taming Trojans'. I'm having a boy, 16 weeks 3 days. The shortened full name nickname. [59], Antigonus Monophthalmus took control of the Troad in 311 and created the new city of Antigoneia Troas which was a synoikism of the cities of Skepsis, Kebren, Neandreia, Hamaxitos, Larisa, and Kolonai. The Turkish government created the Historical National Park at Troy on September 30, 1996. In marked contrast to Mycenaean palaces, there is no evidence of sculpture or fresco-painted walls. In Ancient Greek literature, Troy is portrayed as a powerful kingdom of the Heroic Age, a mythic era when monsters roamed the earth and gods interacted directly with humans. The Troy family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920. Since the mythic city had likewise had a weak section of its walls, Drpfeld became convinced that this layer corresponded to Homeric Troy. In its square is a large wooden horse monument, with a ladder and internal chambers for use of the public. The walls must have been unusually strong in order to withstand a ten-year siege and in fact, Troy fell through the trickery of the Trojan horse ruse rather than any defensive failing. The layers have been given relative dates by comparing artifacts found in them to those found at other sites. [80] As a result of his visit, he also financed the restoration and rebuilding of the sanctuary of Athena Ilias, the bouleuterion (council house) and the theatre. Initial finds by Schliemann of gold and silver jewellery and vessels seemed to vindicate his belief that the site was actually the Troy of Homer. It was twice the size of the preceding city, featuring a lower town as well as an expanded citadel divided into two precincts. Create good names for games, profiles, brands or social networks. [54] Following the Persian defeat in 480479, Ilion and its territory became part of the continental possessions of Mytilene and remained under Mytilenaean control until the unsuccessful Mytilenean revolt in 428427. On this terrace, archaeologists have found the remains of freestanding multistory houses where Trojan elites would have lived. But can't think of a middle name . [2](pp112,183)[51](pp278279,123,131133), In popular writing, these anecdotes have been interpreted as evidence for a historical kernel in myths of the Trojan War. Learn to translate Russian names Despite attempts to sift through the rubble, no documents have been found. License. Similar in popularity to Troy Amarrion Quan Wilhelm Hernando Kingjosiah Angello Armin Lochlan Joniel Firman Names with same popularity as Troy >> Sounds similar to Troy Trowbrydge Troi Trongtri Trong Even in his own time Schliemann's legacy was controversial because of his excavation methods which included removing features he considered insignificant without first studying and documenting them. var lo = new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent); advertisement Join now to personalize BabyCenter for your pregnancy 1. . window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId, 'stat_source_id', 44); The township included Brunswick and Grafton. Soon after work on the theatre was completed in 1211BC, Melanippides dedicated a statue of Augustus in the theatre to record this benefaction.[81]. In 480BC, the Persian king Xerxes sacrificed 1,000cattle at the sanctuary of Athena Ilias while marching through the Hellespontine region towards Greece. Alexander the Great, for example, visited the site in 334BC and there made sacrifices at tombs associated with the Homeric heroes Achilles and Patroclus. VIIb1 and VIIb2). Common Troy Nicknames troy kind sweet Submit Top-Rated No top-rated suggestions yet, scroll down for more ideas! In the Archaic era, a new city was built at the site where legendary Troy was believed to have stood. 1963) Canadian inventor Troy Middle Names Troy Barrett Troy Logan Troy Maxwell Troy Russell Troy Zachary Posted in Boys Names T Tags: English, football, inventor, singer Touch Screen Menus: Boys Names - Girls Names This turmoil may have been related to the exploits of Piyamaradu, a Western Anatolian warlord who toppled other pro-Hittite rulers while acting on behalf the Ahhiyawa. See the popularity of the girl's name Troy over time, plus its meaning, origin, common sibling names, and more in BabyCenter's Baby Names tool. The earliest gray ware at Troy was made in Aegean shapes, though by 1700 BC it had been replaced by Anatolian shapes. [1] Troy can also be a short form of the female name Geertruida in Dutch. 3 submissions from Missouri, U.S. agree the name Troy means "Warrior" and is of Eritrea origin. First Name Nicknames: Boomer, Magic and Tiger. Often, nicknames come from things about the person that stands out such as their hair, height, or personality. Nicknames: Jake, Jay. There was 1 Troy- name ranked within the top 1000 baby names then. When Troy was humiliated after a funeral assembly for Will Byers, Troy and James took it upon themselves to get revenge on Mike, whom Troy blamed for his humiliation. [75] In 77BC the costs of running the annual festival of the koinon of Athena Ilias became too pressing for both Ilion and the other members of the koinon and L.Julius Caesar was once again required to arbitrate, this time reforming the festival so that it would be less of a financial burden. Troy Bolten from "High School Musical". var ffid = 2; 1. Julius Caesar in 48 BCE and Emperor Augustus (reign 27 BCE -14 CE) rebuilt much of the city and Hadrian (reign 117-138 CE) also added buildings which included an odeion, gymnasium and baths. from the bad guys? Spy Game (2001), Famous people named Troy or its variations, 1. Anthony "Troy" Walsh, portrayed by Peyton Wich, is a recurring antagonist in Stranger Things. This system of equal (rather than proportional) representation ensured that no one city could politically dominate the koinon. This characteristic is common in the walls of Mycenaean citadels, though at Troy it is also found in other buildings, suggesting that it may have been decorative. Troy and the Trojan War later became a staple myth of Classical Greek and Roman literature. Troy Olsen (b. Intriguingly, bronze arrow heads, spear tips and sling shots have been found on the site and even some embedded in the fortification walls, suggesting some sort of conflict. Intriguingly, there is also a bronze Mycenaean sword taken as war booty and found in Hattusa, the Hittite capital. Teether - Do you need a great nickname for an adorable baby boy named Hunter who just started teething? Troy is pronounced similarly to Trai, Traye, Tre , Trey and True. 27, 2017, 4:00 p.m. By . Heinrich Schliemann and Frank Calvert excavated the site of the classical era city, under whose ruins they found the remains of numerous earlier settlements. Creative destroy aikman troy aikmanzoor dmytroy aikman troy aikmanzoni outroy aikman troy aikmanzil quattroy aikman troy aikmanzar austroy aikman troy aikmanzano rostroy aikman troy aikmanzanita Troy Van Leeuwen (born January 5, 1970) is an American rock musician and producer. As with Calvert and others, in April 1870 Schliemann began by excavating a trench across the mound of Hisarlik to the depth of the settlements, today called "Schliemann's Trench". In this period of renewed Persian control c.387367, a statue of Ariobarzanes, the satrap of Hellespontine Phrygia, was erected in front of the temple of Athena Ilias. If you're well-traveled, you may also recognize Troy as the city located in the heart of Turkey. The meaning of Troy is "foot soldier". In this article, we will share with you some cool and funny Nicknames For Witches. [1][18][2](pp6667), One of the most striking finds from TroyVIIb1 is a hieroglyphic Luwian seal giving the names of a woman and a man who worked as a scribe. Remains of a dense neighborhood have been found just outside the citadel walls, and traces of Bronze Age occupation have been found further away. Troy itself appears to have maintained these connections, showing similarities to sites Thessaly and southeastern Europe, as well as Aegean sites such as Poliochni in Lemnos and Thermi in Lesbos. Most are outdoors, but a permanent canopy covers the site of an early megaron and wall.

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nicknames for the name troy