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neptune in 1st house physical appearance tumblr

3)They have a certain taste that they design on clothing and the interior of the house.I often meet such people with blue or green eyes. Planets in the 1st house do affect ones personality and appearance. myself) And I love them, but we crush. 1)He wants to buy clothes of famous brands,fine furniture,comfortable cars,luxury apartments,etc.Such people dont like to deny themselves anything. Mannerisms, facial expressions, hand gestures, body language. February 13, 2023 astrologyanonymous27. neptune in 1st house physical appearance tumblr. 4)Some people with Mercury in the 12th house may have a betrayal of friends or any other difficult experience with them. 5)With good aspects,a person has a rich spiritual world and a love of art(maybe even a hidden talent in something). Question: The information I have gathered thus far on Uranus in the 1st house includes the following: "You exude an electrically charged aura that, depending on the person, can be invigorating or alarming since you represent the attributes of Uranus. 2)They rarely change their place of work,they are more comfortable when everything around them is familiar. . 4)If a person has Mars in Capricorn/Scorpio/Aries,then he is guaranteed monetary success.He is enterprising,active,sees a large number of opportunities around him and uses them one hundred percent. They can be visionaries and are highly compassionate towards others. This confusion may lead the native into an imaginary sense of superiority, making him a deep believer in spiritual matters. 1)Hardworking and very fond of money.They like to build a successful and long-term career. 2)Fair,friendly and caring person in communication.You like to listen to peoples different points of view.You can even have smart friends who help with your homework. 5)Just like religion,philosophy is important to them.Such a person gives good advice,he knows how to listen and has a good life experience.He has a lot to tell and listen to. 12)They find it harder than all the other moon signs to compromise.They just dont really like to admit that they are wrong and dont win. 5)Their partner can be a careerist or just a successful person.Sometimes indicates a marriage at work. Perhaps his views were unstable or he was too headstrong, but in any case, he created his own unique life. They can appear aloof and also quirky. -Their health may depend heavily on their lifestyle.Stretching and yoga will be especially useful for calming and warming up the muscles. 3)He may have an unpleasant experience in a relationship.For example,he had a toxic partner or an affair. The native is usually delicate with weaknesses of fears and anxiety. by others, because the essence of who they are is constantly projected outwards Since the 1st edition of this book was published in 1991, it has been a widely used reference book for many astrologers and their students who have recognized the value and importance in horoscope interpretation of the midpoints--the Its this astrological point that symbolically represents our entry to the world. 3)Big money can come to them in an unusual or unexpected way.And also mysteriously disappear. 2)Their parents may have been of different nationalities.Their house often had guests. 1)A person sees his self-development in work.It can reveal his best qualities and inspire.They may have good working conditions, such as frequent bonuses or a lucrative contract.Sometimes indicates that their work is related to travel. 4)Such people need to learn to read their feelings and be able to make final decisions. 1)The karmic task is not to allow yourself to become a "stranger among your own,forgetting about the roots and national traditions,maintaining a balance between the desire for reform and respect for history. Quick Funeral Home Obituaries Bennettsville, South Carolina. 10)Good imagination.They are quite inventive and creative.They can do some bullshit out of pure curiosity lol.They may have a lot of hobbies.Their attention is difficult to hold,so they can easily leave them. In some cases, this placement can even indicate abuse of some form. 6)Why do people with the Sun in the 9th house have a wild desire to open a business?Maybe its because of a sense of freedom. 1)Their circle of acquaintances is large,and they easily start relationships with a variety of people.A person can maintain foreign contacts and have many friends and well-wishers abroad. 5)Taurus,as well as Cancers,have a talent for cooking. 2)Rest really helps with most of their illnesses.Stress causes them to instantly lose their immunity. Neptune in the first house is a difficult placement for this planet. Expert Advice for People with Neptune In 1st House. 1)Very often I notice that their friend later becomes a partner.So take a closer look at your group of friends:). 2)Falling in love with an unattainable object a movie actor,a singer,an inaccessible beauty,for example,the one in the mirror:). some advice to this moon it would be: there is more than what meets Neptune Through The Houses. 2)Helikes to celebrate events beautifully and effectively. -They should protect their heads from bumps and accidents,show up at the dentist on time and dont forget to control intracranial pressure. 5)His entourage may include influential people,or those with whom he has been friends for several years.They are very selective(including themselves). Neptune in the first house may be described as a man that is gentle, unprepossessing, unconventional and capable of great self-sacrifice. 2)The harmonious aspects of Jupiter attract financial luck.The work of the subject will be adequately paid,and investments will pay off well. 4)You are afraid that your father didnt really love you,so as an adult,you feel the presence of love when people treat you with authority. 4)With bad aspects,mental disorders and deep mental suffering are possible.Good aspects increase strength and energy,activity and enterprise and create an opportunity to acquire real estate and implement ideas,plans and goals. 3)Negative aspects indicate short temper and stubbornness.Such people argue for the sake of argument.Positive aspects indicate fairness.Such a person is interested in the opinions of other people and tries to expand their knowledge. 4)Such a person may have a problematic relationship with his mother. And not are versatile and easy going. This person will look for fulfillment and meaning within themselves. This placement may generally make the native liable to be drawn into other's people opinions and will dare to challenge other's ideas. It indicates a creative ability, especially the ability to capture an image or form in words. 4)A large number of trunks indicates that a person is inclined to look at the world through rose-colored glasses.He should look at the world more realistically.Too dreamy. 5)Your father is a copy,a model of what unfolds later in your life around the topic of authority. 4)He was used to acting quickly and confidently towards others.Sometimes he shows excessive pressure and strong-willed influence,which is perceived negatively by others.With soft and sensitive people,such a person is not on the way. 10 Jun. 5)Your karma is playing tricks on you.If you have offended a person,then with a hundred percent probability in a few days you will have just a terrible day.If you have done a good deed,then your finances can grow and luck will be on your side. This part represents the physical body, sphere of identity, approach to life, and personal outlook. Neptune is the planet of dreams, illusions, deception, spirituality, and compassion. 5)You are a great competitor,so you can work in politics,sports or business. 0 neptune in 1st house physical appearance tumblr. Your physical body and outward appearance. 1)Perfectionists,so they can be trusted with difficult and responsible work.They may be too lazy or too hardworking.They love to thoroughly understand complex mechanisms and processes,they like to process and analyze information,put everything on the shelves,optimize their activities. This Neptune placement signifies that your imagination and inspiration are strong; that you may be easily distracted by the endless realm of ideas that dance about in your head. Perhaps the desire to be touched by mystery or unseen forces has always attracted you toward religion or metaphysics. astrology . 13)Have you noticed that older siblings often have a much more seriouspositions of the planets in the Natal chart than younger ones? 9)Mother could be the head of the family.Others may think that they have a perfect relationship with her,but with bad aspects,everything turns out to be the opposite. 4)He may have been underestimated as a child and given little love or attention. 14)Good aspects point to a good friend.They are able to support and inspire not only themselves,but also their friends.They give good advice,but only if they have personally encountered a similar problem. 2)They can be good writers,bloggers,or singers. looking within than by avoiding quietness. By the way, what could you say about this Moon and Sun? It indicates a true soulmate love, not just mere physical attraction. Sun in the 1st House: You project your identity, vitality, and self expression onto the world around . You will keep people guessing about your deeper intentions. 3)The harmonious aspects of Jupiter will tell you about the easy and fast assimilation of educational material.The information you need to study will always be available to you.Others will provide such a person with good books. 3)It is pleasant to argue with him,he competently conveys his thoughts and opinions.Such a person can succeed in contractual and legal activities. 1)It is most convenient for such people to learn through pictures and examples from life.They may not count well in their minds,for example. Neptune in the twelfth house: 1)Such people often hide their feelings and attachments. 2)Most likely they will be successful after 30 years(due to the influence of Saturn,aka the 10th house). The person born with Neptune in the 1st House will often have a powerful imagination, which may cause them to lead others to believe that they can do things that arent necessarily possible. So a person with Neptune in the 1st House either has the tendency to be an active dreamer who is always lost in her own inner world or she is always seeking a higher meaning for life. sports media jobs new york city; neptune in 1st house physical appearance tumblr. Please leave a comment below and let me know. 1)Strong feelings,attracting money,inheritance,profitable marriage. 6)For such people,it is very important that people support them when they feel bad.When they cry and say that everything is bad,it means that EVERYTHING is REALLY BAD.Just say that they are very important to you and list how many good things they have done in their lifetime.They need attention,no matter how much they deny it. He can get lost in daydreams, especially when excited. Neptune can bless you with a dreamy quality about your appearance. You're artistic and imaginative. You might not always have a clear picture of what you are doing. Venus in the First House is best described by the word "lovely". The energies of Neptune in the 1st House are very nearly a contradiction in terms. Neptune in the 1st House indicates a woman, who is sentimental and extremely attached to her loved ones. 5)Bad aspects indicate difficulties in communicating with a partner.A person experiences many feelings and thoughts and cant understand them.The partner tries to understand them,but cant.There is an understatement and misunderstanding.

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neptune in 1st house physical appearance tumblr