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blind taylor worm fanfic

Again, she does not have access to her other two abilities while in Breaker form, but she does get several double-edged perks. Like a winding river, it may flow past familiar shores or cut its own path through solid rock. Things are changed beforehand and echoed through the dotted lines of the stations, but not tied to them. Taylor goes to Harry Potter, and solves the saga in two years. I love seeing new and interesting powers and this one is really cool. The original story had a similar meeting, but with Contessa and Taylor's positions exchanged. Two beetles crawled on a drunk man in what was probably the emergency room, off in the distance. So the intro said that the power was a trump so maybe some sort of field that links capes, like instruments in a band, and amplifies the effects they have? She had the look of a woman who had gone too long without sleep and had aged years in weeks. In 1-2 more chapters the S9 arc will push over 100,000 words and almost 1/4 of the story. Really enjoyed this. And if I have to read "Then I went ghost" one more time I swear to GoD someone's getting hurt. ", "I have to make it worth it, Weld." Instead of controlling bugs, she's a Tinker who can make tiny drones. Harvey gives her an odd look, but answers her, "Well we're in Stardew Valley, which is at the south-east end of the Ferngill Republic." "Ah got it, thanks." Harvey fixed her with a serious look and then warned, "I don't need to know about what you were doing until now, but Pelican Town is away from all the fighting . Have a chappie. ][references the PHO interlude], Camera Shy is an Alt-Power fic, not an AU fic, Delays due to unfortunate correlation between the story and real life, Reader Feedback Request (for those caught up to 3.1 only! There had been something more in the locker than just bugs and the horrific collection Sophia, Emma and Madison put together. For someone who isn't, it's a footnote about the person unless they're extremely close to them. this is accompanied by static noise. Taylor's power is like the Cenobites, Amara from F.E.A.R. Dad was standing over me. "We will lead you out." Not as crazy broken as blanket but seriously op. He said, "Then I guess we're done here. The band kids will get Brute ratings just from their training. 4. Nonetheless I'm the one who Protectorate chose as their representative.". That," Piggot pointed at the folder, "is all the information we could gather on her with certainty that it wasn't tampered with.". Can also be found on Sufficient Velocity here. Queen of Owls reminds me of the Drukhari from 40K. I was blind. When Taylors incorporeal form passes through time-locked objects, they appear to smear, like someone smudged a painting. This is an alt-power Taylor in the Worm* verse with butterflies in play before the canon locker scene. Weve got Dragons and Heroes, some better, some worse. her powers get stronger the greater the number of people who fear her and the deeper fear they feel, An umbrella and a bowling ball in a sling bag, looking directly into the cameras she is being watched through. Thirty feet away and six and a half straight down, cicada larvae slowly crawled underground, most of their 17 year span lived completely out of human view. This would have been a bit easier if only certain new villains hadn't cropped up around the same time whose powers seem suspiciously correlated with her own. to see how many boys still checked me out. Work Search: Like a winding river, it may flow past familiar shores or cut its own path through solid rock. In fact, they all looked identical. Camera Shy has a blind Taylor with the ability to see through other's eyes and time-stop-explore as her version of teleportation. If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. Taylor reassured him, "I want to contribute. She can float and pass through objects. He can make the ground rolls like liquid with Shit. Abstract representations of Taylor (for example, a dot on a movement radar) don't activate her Thinker power, and neither do simulations of her (for example, if Coil is looking at her in universe A, universe B Taylor is not considered observed). Life just didn't ever seem to turn out how she'd imagined it would. I particularly endorse Split, Skein, and Ziz. And like the Amazons, they were deadly. Her second power allows her to cause momentary disruptions in electronic systems: Lights flicker, cameras momentarily go to static, etc. "I can't reveal all the details, of course, but we've already secured a few contracts." No shading, no different lighting to give things nuances to their colors; I. At some point since meeting her, she must have communicated his needs to herself and they had found Weld a chair he could actually sit on. --it does have a different title, so yes. Taylor says that if she pushes herself very hard, she can actually blow out bulbs, but that is the strongest feat she has accomplished. I'm having trouble figuring out how this would mesh with the overall threat of Worm, so maybe this will be a short story in the universe? And a disabled unpowered Taylor cannot really hold a fic bigger than a one-shot. Due to Contessa essentially using Taylor's Trigger as a way to jailbreak her own Shard, the two start getting overlap and minor nudges from each other. The Taylors didn't just replace their hosts, they subsumed them. Taylor said as a pair of her doppelgangers stepped up onto the veranda wearing overalls and suspenders. It was hard to make that connection seeing a dozen of the girls working to repair a building. Its function is awkward and inconsistent enough that she still needs day-to-day professional assistance to go out in public. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. In all likelihood, her job was next. She said, quiet. ", Taylor stared at him unflinchingly, "Producing, shipping and trading. Taylor and the Unseelie Court (Taylor isn't herself the spooky monster, but deals with old-school type Fae, dead). However, this exhaustion is not felt in the real world, and remaining in the real world allows her to recover at roughly a ten-to-one ratio (for every ten seconds in the ghost world, she needs one in the real world to recover). The Protectorate hadn't mentioned that in the file. Different circumstances cause Taylor to gain different powers and left her blinded in the aftermath. Shes just as broken as blanket but in a completely different way. Tried searching for it and got nothing. About | Wiki Rules | Reply !Delete to remove | [Brackets] hide titles. A brief history prior to trigger event, combat logs for the first encounter, medical records, and almost inexplicably a school report card. It may not display this or other websites correctly. When time resumes, smeared objects are pushed in the direction and intensity of said smear. 6.2 Crescendo Got real estate, I'm buying it all up in outerspace. Path to Munchies is a Worm fan fiction by Merle Corey, completed in April 2017. This is an informational threadmark discussing the overall premise of the fic, especially Taylors power. Nearly. Set in the center of one the bridges leading into Brockton Bay - one of the few still standing. "Good, then do you have any recording equipment or weapons to surrender?" I wake up to find a new story by an author I like. "Is that fact relevant to a tour of your city?" "I suppose that's true." Contessa is mildly annoyed that she's gained a few pounds because of Taylor, but takes it in good humor. He had overstepped his bounds. The old man notes that this is the first time anyone offered him the use of their umbrella, or kindness on such a level as her. Taylor gets manipulated by Mrs. Abbotson, an old friend of Annette's, in the wake of her first Path- that to getting cookies. Split - Taylor has a power that allows her to steal other powers but also gets all their memories and she gets very confused about who she is. The second part is explained in a bit more detail in the relevant collapsible. "Alright, fine." Not the most impressive powers, granted, but powers none the less. Mind, I was already posting when I saw yours. Still the folder seemed remarkably thin for what the media was calling "the next Nilbog. There are a few pact Alt!powers out ther you might want to check out. Is Hive Daughter the one where after the first two or three people she adds to her hive they lose their memory/personality/whatever? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. "We all do our part, Weld. Color me intrigued. Whereas Taylor had an actual chair you might expect in an office, Weld only had a solid plastic block, even then the chair groaned as he rested his weight against it. They sat on a veranda at the top of a hill overlooking the city, Taylor savoring a sundae, Weld admiring the sunset. Definitely a strong mover power, but a thinker primary. Weld reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. . It's interesting to see an alt Taylor who doesn't have major league powers. Taylor can see through her own eyes in her Breaker state, as her Thinker power causes her blindness and is disabled in Breaker form. Clearly, the Queen Administrator is too powerful. Whether it was the mood or the exhaustion he shouldn't have been capable of feeling, Weld asked the question that had been weighing on him the whole day. XXX Taylor sighed as she locked up the store. liberties . Please consider turning it on! This power blocks her from using her own eyes, and if nobody is currently looking at her she is blind. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Flames, where she uses illusionist powers to get around missing an eye. Now she must learn to be independent, both as a blind person in her civilian life and as an 'independent hero' in her cape life. Even though the bullying didn't escalate to the locker incident, Taylor Hebert still triggered with powers. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Still blind in one eye, though, fwiw. After that, she deliberately put Taylor into a situation where she would trigger, which simultaneously caused Contessa herself to second-trigger from deliberately forcing someone she had grown to care for into a trigger event. Very NSFW. Since I was blind in my normal form and paper money all felt the same whether they were Washingtons or Benjamins, I had counted the money by going back and forth between my ghost world while hiding it. As they headed down the hill, Weld glanced back at the Taylor that had been Danny Hebert and he saw that she was still standing at the edge of the hill. Info@splgroup.co.in Info@splgroup.co.in "This was the most beneficial option. There was no foreman to speak of, no one to admonish or criticize her. Since both of them were close to each other, both shard buds pinged off each other to communicate and modify each other, and the recursive modification caused a feedback loop that eventually caused Path to Victory to reset itself without any restrictions, She would deny until her dying day that she cried, almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea. Taylor can be insane as well. taken, most of them involving pulling from other vampire media. End result: uninjured Taylor, dogs saved, four guards unconscious and tied up and Hookwolf impaled with two rebar spears, hooked up to a generator and turned into a nightlight. Weld replied. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/LordDoom. This is an alt-power Taylor in the Worm* verse with butterflies in play before the canon locker scene. I was just surprised. Not primarily. Going to sleep now. Well, maybe it is more to the tune of a Slaanesh Horde of Chaos Marines. Her Shaker power passively causes static to appear for any cameras viewing her when she comes. Taylor scowled. Twenty feet away lay an anthill. Is it crack? You are using an out of date browser. Got through the rest of the posted material and I just love this to bits. 1.3 Adagio Three Capes a Caping, Two Good Friends, One Majorette and a New Face is Meeting Our T. You must log in or register to reply here. Taylor loses access to her other two powers a Thinker sensory ability and a Shaker aura while in her Breaker form. She's literally almost out the door before she wakes up and realizes what's going on. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Weld blinked slowly. "Makes it seem like you come here expecting a fight. "What are you aiming to produce?" Taylor was in much the same way; her mom had died in a car accident because she had been texting and driving about a year before I met her. ", Weld glanced up at Piggot, "Is this everything?". Thanks so much for the Skein recommendation. Scion and Eden were not mates, as much as they were a drug dealer and her bodyguard/best client - so she gets Blasto to make some weed and hands it to Scion. She pulled back as if she had been slapped and for a moment her face twisted, her lips pulling back in a snarl. The only thing separating Brockton Bay from the rest of the world. Using her Shaker ability is tiring, despite the weak effect. Therapy is a Worm Fanfic by frommerman. Spoiler: Malkavians In Brief Omakes: Rolyat's Visit by SirWill A Father's Pride by Seclorum She would have to leave the armor behind, however, and similarly could not exit her Breaker state in full view just because she herself is obscured; objects affected by her Breaker power are beholden to the same rules she is. Cutting Ties - Taylor uses Jack Slash's Thinker power to make friends. They wore comically over-sized hard hats and were all as thin as the girl leading Weld, but they worked together in perfect unison. The first time that Taylor uses her power, which is Path To Victory, an unstoppable universe-computing power capable of altering the destiny of the planet, is to get cookies. It was huge, heavy and plastic, but it came complete with a headrest and armrests and that was more than Weld ever got. The hours I was in there had messed with my eyes and the last few days everything had gone from murky to just a mess of grays where any sort of light was painful.

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blind taylor worm fanfic