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beyonder powers and abilities

Unlike his creators who were content to observe, The Beyonder seeks to fulfill his desires and discover his purpose. [3] The Illuminati suggested he was a mutant Inhuman. [41] The Maker was killed in the attack; her corpse was found by the Fallen One, confirming Thanos' fear that the Beyonder had been freed. However, in her Maker persona, her powers were vastly more limited, perhaps due to her incarnation in a more mortal body. The Beyonder accepts. Beyonder View source History Talk (0) Beyonder Name: Beyonder Origin: Marvel Comics Gender: Male Classification: Omnipotence Age: Primordial Strength Lifting: Infinite Striking . Dazzler eventually realized that he had stimulated the situation by amping the bikers' powers, and made him stop the fight. He said that he had offered them a chance to go out with a bang--implying that the M'Kraan gambit had not really been Rachel's idea, but his--but they had flubbed it. Dr Strange pointed out that there were no signs of true life force aura in proximity, indicating that those heroes were creations of the Beyonder himself, and that no matter how accurate they appeared to be, his designs lacked true free will and human spirit. In his quest for answers, The Beyonder commits to become fully human, yet, there is a catch: The Beyonder will retain his immortality and celestial powers while on Earth. [30], The Beyonder went to a South Seas island to contemplate. Frank became obsessed with Earth gadgets at this time as well, buying or making hordes of Cuisinarts, motorcycles, and the like. The heroes and villains found bases, and began a long series of skirmishes. But his genetic anomaly radically changed the Terrigen experience for him, and his power grew exponentially to an unprecedented scope. They traveled across the universe as observerers, and as they came to Earth they learned many new concepts,the most interesting were the concepts of good and evil. [39], Under unrevealed circumstances, Kosmos left Kubik, went mad, turned herself into a mortal called the "Maker," and obliviously slaughtered 64,000 colonists of a Shi'ar agrarian settlement. They view themselves as scientists and see the Marvel multiverse as an experiment, something for them to play with. [41] However, on another occasion, after trying to be a superhero by fighting a superpowered biker gang, the Beyonder stated that he limits his powers to keep them more in line with the world around him. Powers and abilities The Beyonders have been witnessed killing all of the Celestials in the Marvel multiverse at the same time, destroying abstract entities. Motivated by The Beyonder's reward, the heroes and villains launch into an all-out war, grabbing advanced weaponry and technology--gifted by The Beyonder, of course--to conquer their foes. When encountered, the Beyonder is dwelling in a simulacrum of Manhattan Island on Ceres, a dwarf planet in the asteroid belt. He said that this explained a great puzzle: Doom was dead and his body dispersed during Secret Wars I, so how was Doom there to steal the Beyonder's power, and why didn't he and the Beyonder recognize him? This is also a bit odd in relation to the Beyonder's various origins. In fact, they intended to give him an overdose and rob him. But, he warned, "love gone wrong can be dangerous--even to guys like us!" He left after fixing the damage from the fight. [39] He also lost part, or all, of his power on various occasions, some of them engineered by himself. The Molecule Man was moved and restored Kosmos to her former state. However, he did have certain circumstances where he felt there was a chance for someone or something to defeat him. He first visited Owen Reece and Marsha Rosenberg (Volcana), since the Molecule Man was one of the only beings anywhere near his power. Owen Reece, the conduit for the Beyonders' power, transferred that power to Reed Richards, leading to the Multiverse's recreation. . Kosmos and Kubik then departed as a couple. The Molecule Man begged him not to, and the Beyonder gave them a 24-hour reprieve. When they arrive the giant sand worms attack, but they are easily thwarted off by Doom's robot. Doom said that while he remained David to the Beyonder's Goliath, he now had a sling that could help him find his enemy's weakness. [21], In the course of the "secret war," Doctor Doom used technological means to steal the Beyonder's apparently unlimited power and absorbed it into himself. First, it is unclear when it takes place. He was frozen in indecision. Meanwhile, Ben explores the castle as Doom sleeps. Beyonder has Hulk level strength, cellular replication, super durability, and superhuman intelligence. He either could or would not answer how long it had been since he had last seen Black Bolt. But even the man of steel has his weaknesses. She gathered a following of inmates who worshipped her. The Beyonder told her his story, and they were both glad to be with someone else who shared in their unhappiness. The Cube then took on a new body and persona, calling itself Kosmos. Whether you are a die-hard fan of Secret Wars or a new reader hoping to catch up for the MCU's next big event, this guide will help you explore The Beyonder's rich legacy in Marvel Comics. The Beyonder of this reality was annihilated by The Council of Reeds using a dangerous and powerful weapon called Sol's Anvil. She ran away, and had another vision, this time of her grandfather, who recounted the conflict between the Cheyenne and the white settlers, and how the Cheyenne tried to face extermination with honor. AzureSky2099 He said that with death gone, there was no longer any point to life. Much earlier, the Beyonder had revived Kurse as an experiment, but then had largely forgotten about him. He joined them on their journey and went into the Land of Couldn't-Be-Shouldn't-Be and then the House of Ideas. [30] Upon reaching the House of Ideas, he decides to leave the story, promising to return on his own terms. Worseit reminds me of someone." When he decided to do this, the other cosmic forces like Mephisto immediately felt great fear at the way this would upset the existing order of the universe. While there an army of superhuman criminals assembled by Mephisto attacked him, but he was saved by the Thing. During the battle, he famously said, "The trouble is, lesser beings can't really perceive the bulk of the action--the billions of feints, thrusts, and parries per second--or the countless levels, besides the physical, upon which this fight, however one-sided, is taking place!" Doctor Doom Stands Alone Against the Beyonder! The Beyonder is more powerful than Eternity, The Living Tribunal, and most any other Marvel Comics character to date. Thanos planned to keep the Maker alive to keep the Beyonder trapped in the only "prison" that could contain him. He then wanted know the reason of the Illuminatis visit, and even directed his questions to his King, stating that his highly destructive voice would not cause anyone harm if he used it, due to his own powers containing it. The Fallen One finds the lifeless form of the Maker in the rubble, confirming the Beyonder's freedom. 7. The Beyonder's first appearance was in the story Secret Wars I. The Beyonder once again said he desired to understand, and the petulant Cadwell filled him in on his cynical and anti-Hollywood ideology. The Beyonder (/bindr/) is a fictional cosmic entity appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. After Rion's . The Beyonder came back from their therapy session even more angry than before, and was now determined to destroy all of existence. This was the beginning of his philosophical journey, and of his symbiotic relationship with Reece. His senses are similarly enhanced, allowing him to hear things from further away and at higher frequencies than a normal human, including radio broadcasts. First, however, it was time for revenge. For his recklessness, the Beyonder was punished, although very leniently: the Living Tribunal exiled him and forced him to remain in his own universe, where he once again was bored with life, because everything was just him. [11], A number of survivors of the Multiverse were also collected and brought to Battleworld, now under the reign of the now-cosmically powered "God Emperor" Doom - their memories altered to become the lords and ladies of various factions of a medieval new order. Having survived, Thanos rendered the Maker unconscious but did not kill her for he knew that doing so would unleash the true Beyonder from his/her weakened, mortal body. Inspired by the Thing's heroism, the Beyonder decided to inspire others in turn to find their true role in life. Moondragon and Gargoyle also seemed to die in the conflagration. (His appearance happened to stymie an attack on Alpha Flight by Omega Flight.) Hold together a planet that he made out of remnants of destroyed realities by thought alone. As part of his attempt to help others find peace, he visited the New Mutants. As a result, death, portrayed by Mephisto, cannot destroy him. All was as it used to be. He found desire a nuisance, and wondered whether he should continue to study it or just return to the Beyond-Realm, where he would feel complete unto himself. More heroes attack, and the Beyonder lets Dracula drain their lives and powers away. First he found Illyana. Although Fantastic Four #319 didn't arrive on newsstands until 1988, two years after Secret Wars II ended, the issue is the best place to start for new and returning fans. The celestial god arrives to condemn Phoenix's weakness, reminding her that death renders life meaningless. The level determines the final score, of the Super Power, being used in the calculation. He was now "nothing but raging power personified! It was a shocking revelation -- a whole new world of existence was revealed. Chapter 1"Arrival" In this episode we find Spider-Man floating around as he is told by Madame Web to look into her eyes, she then paralyzes Spider-Man into an upright posture. Doctor Doom explains when the villains were being transported through space he traced the coordinates of the power being used to transport them from a lab. The Beyonder was very apprehensive of the power of the Tribunal, Eternity, and Scathan the Celestial, but he joined Protege in fighting them. Magneto agreed with her final choice, as he had earlier counselled mercy against the student who had tried to kill Xavier. The Beyonder was not in a mood to be trifled with, and was about to destroy Doom, whom he apparently didn't recognize, when Reed Richards stopped him. Finally the Shaper and Kubik explained the origin of the Beyonder's and the Molecule Man's power. The Beyonder neutralized Doom's power, and started to vivisect him like a lab rat, to learn more about him. Reed Richards, Mr. The Beyonder left to seek answers elsewhere. Around this time he also started exploring what Marvel was then calling the "multiverse": all the dimensions outside of the normal universe, such as Asgard, Mephisto's realm, the Microverse, the Dark Dimension, and eventually the Crossroads, a nexus of realities. Muramoto's new band was playing, and the Beyonder and Parker were watching. Part of the energy from the dimension escapes and imbues Reece with near-infinite powers, which he wields as the villainous Molecule Man . They imprisoned his dormant body in the center of the Earth. Fantastic attempts to unlock the alter ego of the Lizard. As she was being held there, she was revered but rarely seen. [5][36][37], Before becoming Kosmos, the Cosmic Cube had expelled Owen Reece from itself as it only needed his power to be complete and not the man himself. Impressed, the Beyonder kept his word and allowed existence to continue for another day. Thankfully, Owen Reece, a humble lab technician in New York, opens an interdimensional portal connecting The Beyond to Earth-616. He was much more peaceful at first; when the Molecule Man attacked him, Doom did not kill him, but instead took away Reece's self-imposed mental blocks, allowing Reece to reach his full potential as the most powerful being in the multiverse other than the Beyonder. Once a celestial figure of cosmic light, The Beyonder now fashions a human body to observe humanity firsthand. No, Wait, He's an Inhuman! On the other hand, the Black Knight's Ebony Blade, and Magik's Soul Sword, which normally can cut through magic, had no effect on him at all. In 1984, the multiverse was all the dimensions in Marvel comics, and now it's only the universes that spring from a common timeline (Earth 616, Earth 1610, etc.). After observing for some time, he decided to precipitate the first Secret Wars, in which he teleported numerous heroes and villains from Earth to battle each other. His body had been destroyed in a battle with Terrax and the Silver Surfer, and he had transferred his mind to that of an onlooker. Along with his reality altering powers.This version is Nigh-Omnipotent. When the Legion Accursed had arrived, Thing had to defend Beyonder from them. When the Molecule Man extracted the Beyonder from Kosmos, their battle took place in more than three dimensions, and threatened vast portions of reality. Boom Boom shared a game that she played whenever she got depressed: whenever something bad happened, you got 10 points. The Beyonder apparently returned, reconstructed Battleworld and kidnapped several of Earth's heroes and villains again to conduct an experiment. Madame Web comments on how Spider-Man has already led the heros into battle, and the Beyonder agrees that this is a good start, but he decides to see how everything ends. When entire universes throughout the Multiverse began to collide with each other, with each universe's respective Earth being the points of impactevents known as "incursions"the Avengers send Hank Pym to find answers at the start of the "Time Runs Out" storyline. But, because he was limiting himself, and because he had intentionally gotten himself drunk, Strange realized that he had a chance to ensnare him with illusion, and perhaps take his danger away from the multiverse forever. Having learned his lesson, the Beyonder then released the rest of the world from his control. In order to interact outside their dimension the Beyonders are forced to operate through agents. He is the most powerful being in the Marvel Multiverse. Kosmos went off to explore the Marvel Universe with Kubik: venturing into its different dimensions; learning about its many mystical, demonic, and cosmic beings; testing the Fantastic Four; and pondering about the origin of the Celestials. They are powerful enough to kill every abstract and cosmic being rather easily. At one point in the battle, Kubik held the Beyonder's entire universe in his hand, and was about to crush it, when the Shaper stopped him. He then restored the power of Thor and Beta Ray Bill's hammers, and left. In his original origin, and in the Cosmic Cube origin, he would in fact he from another universe, and thus "unnatural" in ours. Bereft of another host, the cosmic energy creates The Beyonder and imbues him with all the wisdom, power, and purpose of The Beyonders. The Molecule Man defeated the Beyonder, and Kubik showed up asking him to stop. Finally he released her from his control, at which point she told him how his respect for her had led her to leave the life of the streets and get a real job. As all of reality was being destroyed, the trickster Loki uses magic to both exit reality and safely contain the essence of his fellow Asgardians. They went to the home world of the Celestials, which was like a boardwalk in which all kinds of aliens had sent up shop, hawking souvenirs to tourists that had come to see the space gods. That is a difficult question to answer since the three main symbiotes - Venom, Carnage and Riot - share some similar abilities, but each have their own strengths and weaknesses. Despite his lasting impact in Secret Wars, The Beyonder, much like his name suggests, has faded into the beyond, leaving many fans unaware of his existence. Later on, Kubik and Kosmos became close. [10], It was soon revealed that Doom's attack was a bomb made of Molecule Men he collected from throughout the Multiverse, which not only allowed him to destroy the Beyonders but at the same time channel the resulting energy into Owen Reece, and use that energy to collect what remained of the Multiverse into a single planet known as Battleworld. He has the power to manipulate and bend the fabric of space . Beyonder's powers and abilities In all of his versions, The Beyonder has the general ability to manipulate reality. The Cubes are immensely powerful and can fulfill the wishes of their owners. Saddened, and still hesitant, the Beyonder finally complied with the Illuminatis wishes and left Ceres, his corporeal form turning to dust. Seeing Kubik's love for Kosmos, the Molecule Man reverted back to Owen Reece and restored Kosmos. After the amnesiac Maker destroys a Shi'ar colony, the Imperial Guard manage to imprison it in the interstellar prison called the Kyln. Pre-Retcon Beyonder/Classic Beyonder- As a result of being the entirety of a dimension of far more scope than our own multiverse, he was more powerful than all of the rest of reality (he was described in narration as having "millions" of time more power than all the power in our multiverse combined).

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beyonder powers and abilities