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actors who signed petition for roman polanski

She was 18. Why, however, any of you think that this somehow excuses the fact that the man drugged and raped a child is beyond me. offender. I am sure his methods may have changed but sex offenders rarely offend just once. And I propose a boycott of all those individuals (and their businesses) who supported the illegal and murderous war in Iraq.. Lets show we really care about children! the victims opinion, in case of Stockholm syndrome or whatever. I know what I am, what I have and havent done, how things really were and are, he writes at the end of his autobiography. ArtMoscow: Breathtaking, your self-delusion. The judge in Polanskis case acted like a common crook. I hope all of you outraged ones stay away from children everywhere. etc. What happened to the feminists?, Wow, Laslavic- you are one classy guy!(/sarcasm). THANK YOU FOR STANDING UP TO THEM. Alain Jessua What is the big deal about the Reverend Polanski? If he believed her to be old enough, why did he drug her? do you see anyone saying thats ok? I ask why she signed the petition in the first place. What preyytell has he done for you that you would abandon your senses in this way. It is immaterial as to the occupation of the Kent Jones - la Cinmathque de Dijon / Cinmathque Jean Douchet We reached out to some of the most high-profile signatories to see if they had changed their mind about supporting Polanski in light of the #MeToo and Time's Up campaigns. thesmokinggun.com/archive/years/2009/0928091polanskiplea1.html. But as more artists come forward to speak out against Woody Allen, the same can't be said of Polanski, who remains venerated in Hollywood. As a result, her attorney arranged the plea bargain, in which five of the charges were dropped and Polanski pleaded guilty to statutory rape, which was the least serious charge against him. Some people on other blogs Ive read suggested to separate the person from his work since many artist have personalities or values that arent charming. It will be much wiser, less obstinate and more generous to leave this exceptional man alone. I think her opinion is the ONLY one that counts. Given Portman's active involvement in the Time's Up movement, her signing of the petition came from a misplaced sense of empathy. Not real rape? I disagree. I express my deepest respect to those who were brave enough to sign the petition and withstand the blood-seeking mob. If he gets off on some technicality or is given a non custodial age due to age or the pleas of the victim or even the terms of the original plea bargain than so be it. This kind of hypocrisy about Polanski makes you wonder how serious the industry really is about dealing with this problem, as it claims to be. No excuses. Gilles Jacob The girl said no many times. -For a list of signatories, continue to the next page.-. By the beginning of this century, while the general American public remained firmly set against Polanski, the mood in Hollywood was openly in his favour. You should watch Roman Polanski Wanted or Desired. Filmmakers in France, in Europe, in the United States and around the world are dismayed by this decision. Are you kidding me? Should this even be up for discussion? Filmmakers, actors, producers and technicians everyone involved in international filmmaking want him to know that he has their support and friendship. Roman Polanski at a court appearance in Los Angeles in 1977. And here is another Free Polanski petition, this one organized by writer/philosopher Bernard-Henri Lvy. Michel Ocelot Now if the guy was a Duke Lacrosse player the hollywierd crowd and hordes of valueless eurotrash signing their soulsas if they have them away on these tacky petitionsnow that would get them riled up. And, to anyone calling this a case of morals: This is not an example of American Puritanical values gone wrong. Woody Allen, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, Martin Scorcese, David Lynch, Wong Kar Wai, Harmony Korine, Stephen Frears, Alexander Payne, Michael Mann, Wim Wenders, Tilda Swinton, Julian Schnabel, and Pedro Almodovar are among the 100 and counting film industry figures who have signed the petition, coordinated from France by the SACD, an organization which represents performance and visual artists. Mario Martone 5. i was somewhat sexually active at that time but still a virgin. I will never again be able to speak to, or look at, Mike Nichols, Jonathan Demme, Martin Scorsese or any of the other names I recognize here without wanting to scream obscenities at them. Zenovichs movie focuses on how Polanski had the misfortune to come up in front of Judge Lawrence Rittenband, who was obsessed with self-publicity and determined to make an example of Polanski. Darren Aronofsky My eyes were not open," she said. Walter Salles Rosalinde et Michel Deville The rest say they are too busy. Polanski is a child molester. Who gives a shit? He is not a good man. Some think that sex with a child is a crime not just against the child, but against society. I know that before today, when Roman Polanski had only pleaded guilty to raping that 13-year-old girl in 1979, and been accused of raping that 16-year-old girl in 1986, it was like, Big deal . I plan to try very hard to never see any work done by anyone who signed this petition. That type of self-righteousness is sickening and even more dangerous than what Polanski did because it affects society as a whole, whether the issue is rape or anything else. Ask any rape victim and we will tell you that we would give anything if the rapist had been prosecuted and locked up forever before we were victimized by them! It will be much wiser, less obstinate and more generous to leave this exceptional man alone. I have too much to say to put it in a short comment - but I have posted on this issue on my personal blog : But it seems to me that Hollywood must be a very dangerous place for a child these days as so many of its big names appear to endorse paedophilic activity. Mario Monicelli The only difference is weve come to our senses while they havent! Just under a decade after she signed the Polanski petition, Cruz expressed her support for the #MeToo movement and Times Up initiative to Spanish newspaper El Pais. Stuck on 'Quordle' #403? That does not make what Polanski did any better. Mr. Polanksi should have long since addressed the matter. Madness. Woody Allen, David Lynch and Martin Scorsese today added their names to a petition demanding the immediate release of Roman Polanski from detention in Zurich. He should not have to go on trial again for a 30 year old statutory rape, but should have to answer to the flight. The . He never admited to raping anyone.. Patrick Braoud This extradition, if it takes place, will be heavy in consequences and will take away his freedom, the petition read. I happen to believe that. This will not be a problem to keep up I will soon be very familiar with the names on the list, Ill just cross-check any movie I think about renting or seeing in the theater. Shall we all rape, murder, steal, defraud etc. thesmokinggun.com/archive/polanskicover1.html. . Martin Scorsese and Woody Allen want Roman Polanski released from a Swiss Jail. 8 8 Most Beautiful French Actresses . That does not make what he did any better. whats more would you be alright with this man if he raped your little sister?Your daughter. For those of you who support Mr. Polanski, have you never considered that he has likely perpretrated the same things against some other young victim as he did Ms. Gailey? in 2009 over 100 filmmakers and actors signed a petition demanding authorities to release Roman Polanski, who was found guilty of sexually abusing a minor after he drugged and raped a child and has been accused by many. Wim Wenders. (In one of those ironies we can only appreciate in retrospect, this documentary, which presents an energetic case for the defence of a sex offender, was produced by the Weinstein Company.). Once again, shame on all who signed this petition and feel Polanski shouldnt be punished! Thierry Fremaux Laissez cet homme exceptionel tranquil; a sera plus raisonable, moins obstin et plus gnreux. In 2009, when Polanski was arrested at a Zurich airport in a failed extradition attempt, over 100 Hollywood celebrities signed a petition calling for his release. 100% of the proceeds of this bundle will support Direct Relief, International Medical Corps, and Save the Children. Actually, the film Wanted and Desired has notable inaccuracies and neglects to include the grand jury testimony which is readily available to the public. To not face your own actions but run away when you dont like the consequences. Polanski raped a 13 year old girl and skipped out on the sentencing he should rot in jail for a long time. The fact that filmmakers may present their work and travel freely and safely at and to film events, as every person may do at and to other unrestricted public properties, does not make them diplomats. On Sunday night, at the London Critics Circle awards, only months after defending Polanski and Allen, Winslet spoke tearfully about bitter regrets I have at poor decisions to work with individuals with whom I wish I had not. The charges against him were for having sex with a minor, even if consensual a moral charge, as is stated in the petition. We lived in a different world, and that doesn't excuse anything. Everyone, including he, knew that once he was outside France and Poland (due to French and Polish laws), any country may arrest and extradite him under its own laws. Can any of you remember what you were like at 13? Dear Roman you have my full support. - le Groupe 25 images I dont know what the rationals might be for those who seek his pardoning, be it moral ambiguity, sycophancy, going along with what they see as hip or simply the belief that the group they belong to is somehow superior and has a right to use common people for their own amusement, but it would be a mistake to give the law a pass to accommodate this utterly reprehensible man. The fact that Switzerland is a neutral country does not make it a lawless country. (Also, Woody Allen, but who's surprised there?) To me, child abuse is the where I will absolutely put my line in the sand. You know how many children have been blown to pieces in Iraq as a result of allied bombings? He raped a child! This article was amended on 30 January 2018. Wong Kar Wa Jean-Jacques Beineix Oscars 2023: Best Picture Predictions Alexandre Arcady a host of actors have signed petitions on his behalf . Children are abused, murdered, go hungry every day. This submitted as a defense of a man who drugs and rapes a child? The above people think its OK to rape children if you make good films. Thats always going to be true, but we should keep trying to do the right thing. I cant wait to get out of this f**ed up town. Djamel Bennecib Alain Terzian There was no doubt about her experience and lack of inhibition. Weinstein is now firmly banished and actors are apologising for appearing in Woody Allen movies. Roman Polanski committed several horrific crimes over the course of several hours, admitted his guilt, then fled the country when his plea bargain fell apart. 1994 Actor Death And The Maiden Roman Polanski Fine Line Features 8X10 Photo. Woody Allen, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, Martin Scorcese, David Lynch, Wong Kar Wai, Harmony Korine, Stephen Frears . Georges Dybman I could enjoy Sean Connerys work, even though he apparently doesnt have a problem with slapping a woman. She was not unresponsive, he writes. But mainly I heard people insist their friend is not a rapist. Elie Chouraqui One would think that these filmmakers have enough money to hire a proper lawyer to draft their petition, if they were serious about it. If Polanski had killed the girl instead of raping her, the whole matter would have been forgotten long ago His comments on the subject indicate no remorse and in fact seem to indicate a perverse (of course) pride in his engaging in satisfying his twisted appetites. He then had sex with her, drove her home and, the next day, was arrested. Thank you for not allowing the blood thirsty mob to prevent you from doing what you believe to be right. actually, it is the people who think that someone who is a famous white male should get away with this that concerns me. And I still have a good lot of movies to see. He never was. Woody Allen supports him-big shocker (the guy who is now married to the woman who was essentially his stepdaughter). Broadly reached out to Swinton to ask if she regrets supporting Polanski, but she declined to reply by the time of publication. We demand the immediate release of Roman Polanski, urges the petition. I know I was thinking about sex pretty much 90% of the time. Sandra Nicolier We have learned the astonishing news of Roman Polanski's arrest by the Swiss police on September 26th, upon arrival in Zurich (Switzerland) while on his way to a . Roman Polanski is a Polish filmmaker who has been a fugitive from the U.S. criminal justice system, since 1978, after pledging guilty to statutory rape of a 13-year-old girl. Radu Mihaileanu The year after he fled the US he gave an interview to Martin Amis, in which he declared: Judges want to fuck young girls. Everyone signing this list should be ashamed of themselves. He must be brought to justice. Ren Gainville Giuseppe Tornatore Its despicable that some Hollywood stars would rather support a pedophile then uphold a serious charge such as rape of an underage girl. Abderrahmane Sissako he not only victimized her when she was 13 by being so selfish, he has been victimzing her for more than 30 years afterwards. never mind. Just because he made a few hollywood films, should he somehow be judged more severely or liberally than the others? The arrest of Roman Polanski in a neutral country, where he assumed he could travel without hindrance, undermines this tradition: it opens the way for actions of which no one can know the effects. He didnt answer me when I said no Then he lifted up my legs farther and he went in through my anus.. Linda, what you think should happen and what is mandated by law are two very different things. Polanski denies the claims. Polanski raped a thirteen year old girl and fled justice. Despite the ongoing campaign to highlight abuse and misconduct in the film business and other industries, Polanski remains venerated in Hollywood as one of the leading auteurs of his generation.

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actors who signed petition for roman polanski